Good evening
————————– Google translate ————————–
I encountered a problem due to a GeoDirectory scholarship.
Started the scan with yoastseo to suggest internal links, it stops when it arrives at the GeoDirectory pages.
Which returns 404 error when looking for the page
(elba is the name I have given to places).
YoastSeo support suggested that I tell you the problem:
you may contact the developers of the GeoDirectory plugin and bring this issue to their attention. They’ll probably be able to investigate why the WordPress API returns a 404 error for the Elba post type:
Hoping you can solve it.
Greetings Andrea
———————— Italiano —————————
Ho riscontrato un problema dovuto ad un bag di GeoDirectory.
Avviata la scansione con yoastseo per suggeimento link interni, si ferma quando arriva allle pagine di GeoDirectory.
Che restituisce errore 404 quando cerca la pagina
(elba è il nome che ho dato a luoghi).
Il supporto YoastSeo mi ha suggerito di indicare a voi il problema:
you may contact the developers of the GeoDirectory plugin and bring this issue to their attention. They’ll probably be able to investigate why the WordPress API returns a 404 error for the Elba post type:
Sperando voi possiate risolvere.
Saluti Andrea