WordPress search – GD results

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Iain McCarthy 7 years, 3 months ago.

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    Iain McCarthy
    Post count: 45

    Hi, Sorry, me again…
    Having now configured (all bar the one other open topic)
    I am using Rehub revendor theme with woocommerce
    The theme has an ajax search built in and I can select from which custom post type this search returns results,
    At present I have selected post types ‘products’ which returns results from woocommerce
    In the options I also see ‘gd_place’ & ‘gd_service’ screenshot – http://nimb.ws/id1CrQ
    this search is not returning results from either ‘gd_place’ & ‘gd_service’
    So I raised a query with the theme dev, his reply is –
    ‘this search shows only post types which are created in proper way in wordpress. Your CPT can have some custom function and can be not accessible for search.
    You can write to support of plugin and ask how to make search of their post types’

    So my question is – is this something that you can assist me with please so that the search returns results from GD?

    Thanks in advance


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    This would be a customization beyond what we can offer here in support. We consider search to be a part of the plugin. It’s great that your theme offers search, too, but we provide search in the plugin and can only provide you with general directions for integrating the two. If you do choose to go down that road and either hire a developer or work on it yourself, we can provide advice and look over the code you share here in the forums.

    GD uses custom tables, setup in such a way to make them scalable for maps with 50,000+ listings. This means that the tables are accessible via WP Methods but fields are not stored in the typical WP Custom Post Type manner (which is not scalable).

    Take a look here at some search results to see what others have done in this regard:https://www.google.co.id/search?ei=GaILWoPGGYj9vgTqzJsg&q=site%3Awpgeodirectory.com+submit+search


    Iain McCarthy
    Post count: 45


    Thank you for your reply – I will take a look at the link soon
    Busy at work – This is just a hobby for me so fit it in around work


    Iain McCarthy
    Post count: 45

    Do you have a dev that you would be able to recommend?
    One that you know has worked on GD customisation before.
    A bit beyond my skill set.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    There are a number of devs who take on projects from the GD Job forum. The more information you can give about the project, the more likely you are to find the right fit.

    You have a good start up there, so repost over here when you are ready: https://wpgeodirectory.com/support/forum/geodirectory-jobs/


    Iain McCarthy
    Post count: 45

    Aha, I had not seen your jobs section
    Thank you
    I will take a look – Please mark as resolved

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