WP-SpamShield blocking adding a location as a new user

This topic contains 8 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stiofan O’Connor 8 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #323827

    Marc Mathys
    Expired Member
    Post count: 216


    I’m opening a new ticket, following on the issue raised by @justin described here:

    I’m using WP-SpamShield and I’m a big fan. I requires no work and performs amazingly well. That was until it broke the user creation from GeoDirectory and now I had to disable it.

    I have contacted their support and they are willing to work with GD to make it work. Here’s the message from Steven:

    Regarding GeoDirectory, we have never received any contact from them whatsoever regarding issues, or any attempts to bridge compatibility gaps. Unfortunately based on what I've read on that link, their developer's understanding of the situation is incorrect. He mentioned that he thought WP-SpamShield had to add specific support for other plugins...when we clearly state that we support all other plugins. (As long as they follow WordPress coding standards.) The only plugins we don't support are plugins that don't follow WordPress coding standards. If you want to put in a support request with them, and have them contact us, please ask them to contact us via this link: https://www.redsandmarketing.com/plugins/wp-spamshield/hooks/ We'll be happy to work with them on compatibility bridges. Just a heads up...their plugin is known to cause conflicts with a number of other plugins, such as Sucuri Security. We can audit their code, but it definitely has some bugs.

    Would you please consider letting them audit your code to make the registration respect WordPress standards ?



    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Hi Marc,

    We have our own login register forms, they post to standard WP functions, this works and there are no problems with standard WP settings, the idea is that you never have to show your user any WP interface, either backend or login/register. We have filters for our login and register url’s if you want to switch it to use the standard WP ones?



    Marc Mathys
    Expired Member
    Post count: 216

    Hi Stiofan,

    I really like the way GD handles it and I’d rather not change to the standard WP or Buddypress login that are more cumbersome. Yet, I’d want to use one of the greatest Anti-Spam plugin on my site and unfortunately I have to disable it for my entire site because the way you register user appears to not respect WP standards.

    Now the plugin owner is willing to work with you to make it all work together. Would you consider that offer and try to understand why your registration method is blocked by Anti-Spam (apparently others as well)?



    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Hi Marc,

    We use our custom registration form that uses WP functions, to say it does not follow WP standards is untrue, further more we stated in that other post you mentioned above that the dev of that plugin would have to adjust his plugin to work with GD just like he has done with many other plugins.

    A quick fix (i’m sure the dev can make it prettier) would be to make these two small changes in wp-spamshiled.php

    line 7598 FROM:

    if( FALSE === $buddypress_status && FALSE === $wc_status && FALSE === $s2member_status && FALSE === $affiliates_status ) {


    if( FALSE === $buddypress_status && FALSE === $wc_status && FALSE === $s2member_status && FALSE === $affiliates_status && defined('GEODIRECTORY_VERSION') === FALSE ) {

    and line 7624 from:

    if( TRUE === $buddypress_status ) { $errors_3p[$err_cod] = $err_msg; } else { $errors->add( $err_cod, '<strong>'.$error_txt.':</strong> ' . $err_msg ); }


    if( TRUE === $buddypress_status ||  defined('GEODIRECTORY_VERSION') === TRUE) { $errors_3p[$err_cod] = $err_msg; } else { $errors->add( $err_cod, '<strong>'.$error_txt.':</strong> ' . $err_msg ); }




    Marc Mathys
    Expired Member
    Post count: 216

    Hi Stiofan,

    Thanks a lot for doing the research and suggesting what appears to be a relatively simple fix.
    I sent your message to Steven from WP-SpamShield. I’ll keep you posted here.



    Marc Mathys
    Expired Member
    Post count: 216

    Hi Stiofan,

    I heard back from Steven from WP-SpamShield and he suggests that they help you make changes to “4 lines of code of less” in GeoDirectory to make the registration function properly with WP-SpamShield.

    I sense this conversation could be heading towards who’s right and who’s wrong regarding following WordPress standards. As the proxy in this conversation, I request this argument be either kept off this channel or taken offline between the two of you. My goal is to help build a bridge and it appears both you and Steven have the right intentions to see this compatibility issue resolved.

    I’d like to encourage you to contact Steven via this form as he suggested: https://www.redsandmarketing.com/plugins/wp-spamshield/hooks/

    Thank you,

    Hi Marc,

    One of the unfortunate oddities in the world of WordPress plugins, is that paid plugins tend to be worse at following WordPress standards. You would expect it to be the other way around, but it’s something we’ve found over and over.

    Regarding compatibility fixes…The general rule of thumb is that the plugin with fewer users makes the compatibility fixes. Our code follows WordPress coding standards very strictly, which is why it’s compatible with almost every plugin out there. The list of plugins it’s not compatible with is very short, considering that it supports everything. Being that the actual error is with the GeoDirectory code (as I mentioned previously), and they have far fewer plugin users — their 10,000 active users vs. our almost 200,000 active users (& over 2 million downloads) — they really should be the one making changes. (There are a number of reasons for this – it’s partly etiquette, partly to keep the code of a user’s site lean, and partly to prevent introducing new conflicts.)

    We have developed code hooks that other developers can use and we’ll be happy to help them if they contact us via the link I gave you. It will literally take them 4 lines of code or less. We generally only add compatibility fixes for plugins that are among the 100-200 most used WordPress plugins, and that’s at our discretion. Most plugin developers are happy to work with us and vice versa.

    Hacking the code is not advisable, and we don’t provide support for sites that used hacked versions of the plugin.

    I read the post, and the part where he says the following is blatantly false:

    to say it does not follow WP standards is untrue
    Unfortunately he either doesn’t want to admit it, or doesn’t understand how it is not compliant. We can show exactly how it is not following WordPress standards.


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Hi Marc,

    Sorry for you to be caught up in a dev’s blame game… Anyway, i have submitted my details to that form as suggested and i’ll see what they have to say, if all else fails i can give you code to either use the normal WP reg/login pages or code to disable their checks (without editing their plugin)




    Marc Mathys
    Expired Member
    Post count: 216

    Hi Stiofan,

    Thank you for your excellent support. Let’s wait a few days and see where this goes. Until then I’ll delete all the spam registration to my site manually.

    Let me know.



    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Thanks Marc, i’ll keep you posted.


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