Good afternoon! I thought I made a mistake when I set up WPML, but their specialist said the error was in GDF.
I contacted WPML with the following question: I was able to duplicate the listings using the translation management tool. And when you create a copy on an edit page, the following happens: the copies are created, but the fields are blank (category, date of loss, address, phone, email…).
WPML support answer:
“I have checked this question. Unfortunately, it is so easy not to set up for this special programming. Let me explain why.
These fields are not custom fields, which can be set in the Copy setting, and WPML will copy them during translation (WPML handles such fields). They are part of your current topic and are not implemented in the usual way and are stored in the database in the table _geodir_gd_loss_detail created by the current topic. In this case, WPML does not know that there are such fields and they need to be processed (this is how we used our approach, not custom fields).
Therefore, the author of the topic needs to implement an algorithm that will duplicate the fields in his table above.
I checked our records for such problems with this topic, and I see that we have already tried to contact the author of the topic with similar problems reported by users, but he did not answer our efforts to contact him.
All I can recommend is to copy the fields manually and also contact the author of the current topic for a solution.
Please comment on whether the WPML representative is right, or whether the feature works, but needs to be configured correctly?
Translated with