WPML duplicate GD post does not take default category

This topic contains 10 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  jotomas 6 years, 4 months ago.

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    Post count: 802


    I have a CPT with only two categories, A and B.

    I have 71 posts, all them with the same category A set as default.

    I am testing WPML with 4 languages. I duplicated 9 posts from the source language into the other three languages. Everything has been correctly duplicated, except the category set as default, which has changed to category B.

    Am I doing something wrong, missing something or is this the normal behaviour?

    I look forward to your reply.

    Thank you very much for your attention.

    Best regards.


    Post count: 29970

    Did you first duplicate the category?
    The new translated category will have a different ID, so you cannot just keep the same category, you will have to select the new translated category.



    Post count: 802

    Hi Guust,

    What I did was:

    1) I duplicated a CPT.
    2) I noticed that I forgot to duplicate the CPT Categories.
    3) I duplicated the CPT Categories.
    4) I duplicated the other CPT’s.

    All duplicated CPTs appeared with the right duplicated Categories, except for the fact that duplicated Category B was set as default instead duplicated Category A.

    I mean that, as far as I have experienced, even if translated categories have different IDs, they are correctly changed for the duplicated CPTs, that is, the translated CPT replaced its categories IDs for the duplicated categories ID. The only problem is that the category set as default changed.

    I look forward to your reply.

    Thank you very much once again for your attention.

    Best regards.


    Post count: 7069

    Hi There,

    I have checked my test site but i can’t replicate similar issue there. Please provide us your site admin credentials so ca can take a look.



    Post count: 802

    Hi Kieran,

    I think that the problem has been due to the fact that I ignored that, when I duplicated the CPTs, they were set to Free GD Price that has a limit of only one category.

    Since I will soon set up a new CPT, I will try again to perform the same operation, and I will let you know what happens.

    Thank you very much for your attention.

    Best regards.


    Post count: 7069
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    Post count: 802

    Hi Kieran,

    Reset. Forget all what I said. The problem that I saw is not the problem. WPML duplicated GD posts have the correct default category.

    The problem is the category icon shown in the map:

    1) Language: Catalan. 71 posts. https://inforoses.com/roses-tapas-club/tots/ – Category icon shown in map is “tots”, which is the correct one.

    2) Language: Spanish. 13 posts (same as in French and English). https://inforoses.com/roses-tapas-club/todos/?lang=es – Category icon shown in map is “ruta-tapes-es” instead “todos”.

    3) Language: French. 13 posts (same as in Spanish and English). https://inforoses.com/roses-tapas-club/tous/?lang=fr – Category icon shown in map is “ruta-tapes-fr” instead “tous”.

    4) Language: English. 13 posts (same as in French and Spanish). https://inforoses.com/roses-tapas-club/all/?lang=en – Category icon shown in map is “ruta-tapes-en” instead “all”, except for one post, that show the correct “all” category icon.

    I can not see the logic behind all this.

    Could you help?

    I look forward to your reply.

    Thank you very much for your attention.

    Best regards.


    Post count: 7069

    Hi Jotomas,

    For the detailed explanation.

    Here is my comments:

    Catalan: https://inforoses.com/roses-tapas-club/tots/
    One of listing “Al-Andalus” ( https://inforoses.com/roses-tapas-club/spain/catalunya/roses/tots/al-andalus/ ) has default category “Tots”. It has correct icon for default category “Tots” (see attachment).

    Spanish: https://inforoses.com/roses-tapas-club/todos/?lang=es
    One of listing “Al-Andalus” ( https://inforoses.com/roses-tapas-club/spain/catalunya/roses/ruta-tapes-es/al-andalus/?lang=es/ ) has default category “Ruta Tapes”. It has correct icon for default category “Ruta Tapes” (see attachment).

    French: https://inforoses.com/roses-tapas-club/tous/?lang=fr
    One of listing “Al-Andalus” ( https://inforoses.com/roses-tapas-club/spain/catalunya/roses/ruta-tapes-en/al-andalus/?lang=en/ ) has default category “Ruta Tapes”. It has correct icon for default category “Ruta Tapes” (see attachment).

    French: https://inforoses.com/roses-tapas-club/tous/?lang=fr
    One of listing “Al-Andalus” ( https://inforoses.com/roses-tapas-club/spain/catalunya/roses/ruta-tapes-fr/al-andalus/?lang=fr/ ) has default category “Ruta Tapes”. It has correct icon for default category “Ruta Tapes” (see attachment).

    The map marker icon for the listing is the icon of category which is chosen as a default category for that listing.

    Let us know if you have any query.



    Post count: 802

    Hi Kiran,

    Thank you very much for your response.

    Since the matter was becoming more and more confusing, I had no other option than to manually review and reset when necessary the categories of all the CPT’s in all languages to display to correct default icon.

    To make the matter even more confusing I kept the name of an specific category the same in the different languages. Therefore I also changed it to a different name for each language before doing it.

    Doing it I have found several different situations that I suppose have been originated when duplicating the CPTs to the different languages with WPML.

    1) A few CPTs had their categories correctly translated to the correponding categories in the other languages.
    2) Most CPTs kept the categories of the original language in their translation. Therefore I had to delete all them and set the categories of its language. Strangely enough in the dropdown selector most times only the categories of the corresponding language appeared but sometimes also appeared categories of the original language.
    3) With some CPTs the category set as default changed after duplication.

    I do not know how each situation has been originated, therefore the next time I duplicate a CPT to the other languages I will try to see exactly what I do and what happens and I will let you know if I detect something strange.

    Thanks a lot for your support and willingness.

    Best regards.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815
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    Post count: 802

    Thanks Alex!

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