can you add this to your testing:
I deactivated all my plugins except for the Shortcodes and Visual Composer plugin that come packaged with X but when I activate GeoDirectories it adds this meta tag in my header:
<meta name=”description” content=”[vc_row border="none" bg_color="#9f2518" inner_container="true" class="white-text vr-featured" padding_top="20px" padding_bottom="20px" no_margin="true"][vc_col” /><meta name=”keywords” content=”family fun, events, sports, recreation, family, food, sports and recreation, things to do, arts, culture, family events, red deer, special events, centennial, christmas, festival, music, agriculture, attraction, attractions” />
If I deactivate GeoDirectories the meta tag is gone so it is not a issue with the Shortcodes or Visual Composer plugin. Please test. Thanks.