Directory Starter

Our very own FREE theme built for GeoDirectory

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Directory Starter

Directory Starter is a free directory theme for wordpress designed to be used with our GeoDirectory plugin and all its add-ons.

Thouroughly developed to be lightweight and customisable, we have used all the latest WordPress Customizer options to allow you easy personalization of the look and feel of your website with no coding skills required.


Directory Starter Theme Customizer

Directory Starter should be considered a ready made Directory skeleton theme, ideal to create child themes for your custom projects.

Check out the 1st Child Themes for Directory Starters : Supreme Directory

43 thoughts on “Directory Starter

  1. Hi

    I am new to wordpress and been tasked with making a directory website and found your theme and already have geodirectory plugin installed and simple membership plugin installed and both work perfect so now trying to get a nice theme and found your one as it works with geodirectory but how do I make the theme look like your default theme template please?

    Is there any documentation to follow please?

    1. Hi, I replied to your request for support on Let me know if you need further help.

  2. Hello,
    is it possible to add one more item to the menu? Besides Places, Events etc – I would like to integrate “Jobs”. Is it possible?

    1. Hi Birgit,

      yes, you can add as many menu items as you need. Please contact us through the support system if you need help:


  3. is there any default pages for this theme or other free theme which I can use ?

    1. Every demo can be fully imported using the AyeCode connect plugin. You can see a tutorial here:

      That’s for the Real Estate Template, but it is valid for every demos.

      Let me know if you have other questions.


    2. Links to your demos are broken.

      1. sorry about that, the SSL certificate had expired. I fixed it. Thanks for the heads up.

  4. Hi paolo, i love the structure of Directory Starter and Supreme Directory i already download bouth, but i cant saw the one click demo import or something similar, its justa a blank site, how can we do ?

    1. Hi,

      you need to install dummy data and set up home page, please see:

      If you have problems, please contact us through support.


      1. Hi there, I follow the path you left and, it doesn’t show any dummy or demo to install unless there is a purchase made?

  5. Hi Paolo,

    Looks very impressive!

    I am after two basic structures for the UK market.

    To run a local small local business directory and “deals” site.

    Offering free basic listing – with paid upgrades for more detail (images, video, links forms etc, better visibility in searches etc) for all local businesses.

    Searchable – by location, business, type, special offers available etc

    Also, provide “deals” (prime purpose of the website – to capture, leads for deals and present those deals (if the geo system can manage deals/coupons (see below for detail) – great. If not I have a coupon system already)

    Again searchable – expiring – latest – featured – type – business etc

    So for example if someone searched dentist the results would have the featured special offer (if there was one) at the top – other ads next, other specials next , then upgraded listings then free listings. In other words, I decide what gets shown where and when!

    Reviews (rating) of businesses and deals would be great as well.

    Producing and managing coupons etc on the directory would be brilliant – especially if I can gather email, sms, personal details etc inside geo of people interested in deals – generally – but also let people chose what deals they want and the frequency they receive notifications.

    For example – interested in restaurant deals – generally and then select – from the type (Italian – pizza – steak – Chinese etc) they may specifically want.

    Various locations to place ad’s around the site and system to take payments and manage those ads (take payments – post ads when due and withdraw when expired and replaced with the next etc)

    Similar to the above but focused on food – and restaurants with. This will begin locally but with the possibility of expanding.


    ONE – clone
    If I set up a good running system above – could I simply duplicate it to put up on another domain?

    TWO – Speed

    I am technically ok to deal with domains, hosting, and WordPress (not coding etc) – so could I have a basic functioning directory to do the above working within a few days?

    I ask because I bought directory theme at I’m not happy with and need to know whether to refund and start with yours – SOON!

    Do you integrate with gocardless?



    1. Hi Andy and thanks for your comment.

      1 / 2 We don’t have a Deals/Coupon system integrated. The directory part is feasible.

      Clone: Yes you can clone a website and put it on another domain. That’s something WordPress allows to do quite easily.
      Speed: Yes, if the setup isn’t extremely complex, you can be up and running in less than that.
      GoCardless: yes we do.


      1. Thanks. Just downloaded free version to have a look around.



  6. Hello,
    Nice job! I have installed Starter. I would like to know if I need a template or Child theme. And if so, where do I find it.
    Thank you

    1. Hi, You don’t need them, but it’s better to use a child theme. You can use the “child theme generator plugin” to create a blank child theme, or use our Supreme Directory child theme for a different design.


  7. Hola, no me muestra el mapa arriba tal y como se muestra en el ejemplo!! ¿Por qué?

    1. Probably you didn’t complete the install correctly, please ask for support in our forum, a team of specialists will be more than happy to help.

  8. Hi
    i would like to buy location manager but i like to know if i have first install starter theme or suprem theme befor install and activate location manager addon

    1. Hi,

      you can install it before or after installing the themes. It doesn’t matter.


  9. Hello,
    I’m a bit confused- I like the Geodirectory add-on and the Supreme template. I do not understand well if you first have to install Starter. Thank you

    1. Hi,

      Supreme is a child theme of the Starter theme, so the starter theme must be installed, but not activated.


  10. I want to try as free. but couldn’t find anything similar with your youtube video and install on WordPress . How can I try geodirecotry free. can you provide theme in working condition?

    1. Hi,

      we don’t provide free trials, but we have a 30 days money back guarantee.

      Thank you,

  11. Love your starter theme, is there a ways to display the listings in either 2, 3 or 4 per column instead in ssingle

    1. Yes, it’s a display option of all widgets/shortcodes/blocks.

      Thank you

  12. Google maps technology is used or is own because it seems different images, I would like to apply it to a dental clinic

    1. Hi,

      we provide integration with the Google Maps API that gives $200 free credit and it’s paid after that and the Openstreetmap API as a 100% free alternative.


  13. Does the geodirectory work with an alternative to Google Maps?

    1. HI,

      yes with openstreetmap.


  14. Is it possible to use an alternative to Google Maps to set up the directory maps & geolocations? Which alternative would you recommend?

    1. We include the openstreetmap API as alternative to Google Maps.


  15. Sandra Saldaña Pacheco

    How can I change the language of all the options? like “Write a review”, “Send enquiry”, etc…
    I’ve to change them to spanish, but it’s my first time using WordPress.

    1. Via translation files :

      Please next time submit a support request in our forum, you’ll get a much faster response.


  16. Love it once i figured out how to use it..thanks! AWESOME looking

  17. Hi, the link to the demo doesn’t work for me.

    1. HI,

      last week another user from Spain had trouble visiting the demo websites, but the problem was only temporary.

      I just tried with a VPN to connect from Madrid and it worked, could you please try again and let us know?


  18. I would like to add images from media library in “places” listing but there is not any option to add images from media library . You can only add images from external source . How can I add those images to listing which are already present or pre installed by me in media.


  19. I used the directory starter theme and geodirectory plugin for a new site recently and am loving it.
    Would love to write a review for the theme and plugin use together.

    1. Thank you, we are looking forward to reading your review! Let us know when you publish it…

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