Lots of problems/questions

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 7

    I’m kind of feeling like I should have done more research before paying for a year of plugins, but hopefully I can at least get some of my questions sorted. I’ve scanned every topic in the forums and have gone through the documentation, but am still confused.

    1. I have a site that focuses on a certain US state (I’ll share the URL in the next private post). Ideally, the map would show more of the entire state as opposed to the zoomed in view of the one city in the middle I set as the default. Is that possible?

    2. When I try to add a listing, I get a repeating pop-up saying “Please choose any address of the (United States) country only.” I’m typing in a city name in Florida, so that’s part of the United States country, so I’m confused. Here’s a screenshot: http://cl.ly/image/3n140X1F1j3T/Voila_Capture%202014-08-25_03-07-54_PM.png

    3. I will have three different sets of data, which I’m planning on using CPT’s for. Only for one of these do I want to eventually charge, is there a way to keep the pricing information off the two other CPT submission forms?

    4. If I want to change the references to “Listing” (Enter Listing Details, Listing Title, Listing Description) on a CPT-by-CPT basis, is this possible? Like if I wanted my CPT for hotels to say “Hotel Name” instead of “Listing Title” and my CPT for restaurants to say “Restaurant Name” instead of “Listing Title”, is that possible?

    5. How do I make Tag Keywords disappear on the add listing page?

    6. Is there any possible way to not require registration for a submission that would submit as draft or pending review?

    Link to URL that keeps generating the popup is in the next private post.

    Thanks for any help you’re able to provide, your plugin looks great, I just hope I can get it to work for my use case.


    Expired Member
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    Post count: 29970


    1. Install the MultiLocations add-on
    Then go to GD > MultiLocations > Location Settings
    Set “Enable default country” and “enable default region” to YES
    Set “enable multi-city” to YES
    That will allow listings for your state only.
    The main map will automatically zoom in to show all listings in your system, so if you have in the north and one in the south, you’ll see the whole state.

    2. Number one will fix that

    3. Yes, pricing packages are per CTP.
    You might be interested in this doc:

    4. Yes
    GD > Custom Post Types > Edit the CTP you want to change

    5. Simplest is to add this to the stylesheet of your child theme

    #geodir_post_tags_row {display: none}

    6. No, that is not possible. Only registered users can submit listings, that is the only way to collect their email address etc.

    Feel free to post any follow up questions here.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 7

    Thanks for getting back to me.

    1. That’s how I had it set, should “Add everywhere option in location switcher city drop-down.” be checked or unchecked? I’ve tried both.

    2. Still getting the error. Try typing in “Lauderdale-by-the-sea” as the address.

    3. But how do I get rid of this (http://cl.ly/image/3J1E1A0H0g0V/Voila_Capture%202014-08-25_11-21-34_PM.png) so I don’t see this (http://cl.ly/image/2D2t2F1o2G2m/Voila_Capture%202014-08-25_11-23-07_PM.png)?

    4. Sorry, I guess I probably should have taken a screen shot, I was talking about these spots which don’t show up in the settings screen you mentioned: http://cl.ly/image/3Q0t392I262a/Voila_Capture%202014-08-25_11-25-53_PM.png

    5. Awesome, thanks!

    6. Unfortunately for one of my three intended uses, I don’t have any need to collect email addresses etc, is there any way to populate the data otherwise? I have both Gravity Forms and Formidable which work with CPT’s, just not sure if they’ll work with GD.

    Thanks for all of your help!


    Post count: 29970

    You have some other register/login plugin enabled, so I cannot sign up to test. It keeps asking me to agree to the terms?

    1. Best to tick everywhere, or people cannot zoom back to the whole state using the switcher

    2. Cannot test, cannot register

    3. I don’t think you can, but you can change the text if that helps?
    You could hide it with CSS but then it will be hidden on all CTPS.

    4. You can change them in your language file:

    5. Glad we sorted at least one 🙂

    6. I don’t think you’d get formidable to add the listings to the maps etc, without major re-coding.
    If you don’t create a user when a listing is created, you cannot send them a notification, they will not be able to edit it, etc.
    I guess you want visitors to submit some spots? I guess you could make a formidable form and then as admin create a listing based on the info collected? Allows you to review them so your site is not spammed?

    Alternative, created a user called Anonymous and a simple password, and tell people they can submit using those details?


    Expired Member
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    Post count: 29970

    0. Getting GD to work on a Multisite is currently being worked on as a priority. You can always use a different registration plugin that bypasses the GD registration.

    4. Correct [I use Business Name on one of my sites]

    I’ll ask one of the developers to look at your other questions.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    3) you can’t make it inactive, because it is the default price. You can remove the whole select price section with css

    .geodir_price_package_row {
        display: none;

    or only the free price like this:

    #geodir_price_package_1 {
        display: none;

    Just make sure the id is correct.

    For all the rest, I can’t add much to what Guust already told you.



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    Site Admin
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