Events and listings issues

This topic contains 29 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 8 years, 5 months ago.

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    Florina W
    Expired Member
    Post count: 28

    Hello there,

    I just bought the geodir add-ons, installed them on the test website and trying to test them around. For now there are few issued I would like to have them sorted.

    My site:
    Wordpress 4.4.2
    Theme Enfold child
    Geodirectory 1.5.8 and the add-ons installed

    1. Is my understanding correct that the Listings ( for my site) and Events ( are not pages?

    2. Is there a way I can seperately customise the content of these Items? I see in appearance/widgets that I can add widgets to the Listing section, but not to the Events section.

    3. Is there a add widgets to the CONTENT SECTION of the listings and events? As it is for the top section or right section in the widgets area.

    4. On the GD Homepage, map does not appear, even though I have added the GD Map widget for the GH Home content section.

    5. On the Listings and Events pages,I want to show the map with the relevant entries for each category. But:
    – on the GD/design/map/Default post type search on map there is the possibility to select only one category to be shown on the map: places ot events. How can I select both?
    – Or how can I have the places shown on the map on the LISTINGS page (, and the events shown on the map on the EVENTS page (

    6. In the top meniu, I have added the ADD LISTING and LOGIN links.
    – For the LOGIN- Is my understanding correct that a user must login first in order o add a listing? If yes, then this is not happening, as I am able to add a listing without login.
    – when clicking on the login link, I am reidrected to a blank page
    – for the ADD LISTING, it seems that the user will be able to add only PLACES, not events. Although in the GD/design/navigation, it is set up to show both (Allow post type to add from frontend).

    Thanks alot for your support. I assume there will be more questions arising once I start testing all the add-ons. But for the moment these are the difficulties.



    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    1) that is correct they are archives (like the posts index or a blog category archive) and as such they must use a template.

    2) The listing sections are referred to the listings page (the archive), which is the same template for Places, Events or any other custom post type. You can use a plugin like widget logic to show something only on events or only on places.

    3) no there isn’t, but you can use an action to add code to it and you could add a custom widget area. If you let us know what you want to add there we will give you pointers how to do it.

    4) I see the map below places, however it seems that you set a very narrow width in the widget settings?

    5) You cannot use the Home map in listings page, that is only for the home page. You need to use the listings map widget.

    6) Just tested on your site and I’m unable to add a listing without logging in. If I click the log in link or the add listing link that you added, I’m redirected to the gd-login page.

    You need to add the correct link for each post type:

    You can have those added automatically by GD if you want:



    Florina W
    Expired Member
    Post count: 28

    Thank you for your support. Indeed, I had a careful look and I saw the map in there… apologise for this redundant work you had to do for me.

    I have one more question. If I create Custom Post Types, similar to places, can I later link EVENTS to this CPT, as it is possible to do with linking events with places?

    And similarly, can I create an events post types with CPT, in order to not have too many child categories?


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    yes you can link new CPTs with events anytime.

    No Custom Post Type add-on can only create listing types, not extra events.

    You can only have 1 event custom post type.



    Florina W
    Expired Member
    Post count: 28

    Dear Paolo,

    Thanks alot for your support, it seems I am progressing with the website. A couple of questions…
    1. I manage a website where I post events (EVENTS listings) organised by third parties. These events take place at different places (PLACES listings). I linked the events with places and everything works fine. I want to add organisers also, and to link events with organisers as well, OR to be able to show events from an organisers.

    I have created a CPT called organisers and linked events with it, but I noticed that on the event page I am able to link the event with EITHER the location OR the organisers. Which is not what I intend to do – to choose between them.

    So… how can I make it in such a way to be able to show events organised in that locations, but also to show other events organised by the organiser? What is I add a Custom field? – in this way I can select the organiser from the bakc-end, but how can I show it as a separate tab on the events page?

    2. I have a problem with setting the addresses on the map. I have installed multilocations plugin, but selected only one country and one city (for the moment). I want to have these preselected so that the users are not able to change it. Thus, I have made the setting as in the attached document (multilocations.jpg). However, when I am on the location/event page from the back-end and want to insert the address, I get the pop-up message “Please choose any address of the Bucharesct city only”, and therefore the pin on the map is not moving accordingly.

    3. When adding an event, I wand to link it with a location. In the right-corner window where linking is possible, when I introduce the first word of the location, I get the result that “No business was found”. I have to click few times on the button in order to get the matches listed.

    Thank you!


    Florina W
    Expired Member
    Post count: 28

    and the attachment for no. 3.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    1) that is not possible. You can only link events to 1 custom post type. Anything else would require a customization.

    2) Validation that you have on the front end is equal to validation you have in the back end. If you restrict your directory to Bucharest in Multi Location options, you won’t be able to add listings in any other location.

    3) What do you mean with Location, another listing? You can only link events to listings that you own, did you enter that listing? Let us know.



    Florina W
    Expired Member
    Post count: 28

    Thank you Paolo.

    Regarding 2, I am trying to insert addresses from Bucharest city only. Even when I type the address, the auto-completer gives me options and I select that from Bucharest city. I still get that message.

    Regarding 3, yes, those listings were previously entered. The list gets populated, but only after I type several times the first word and press the search icon and I get the result “No business was found”. So, only I try for few times, the list gets finally populated.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    please provide a link and admin credentials and we will have a look.



    Florina W
    Expired Member
    Post count: 28
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    Hi again,

    this is strange, I’ve flagged this for Stiofan.

    Thanks for your patience,


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    Hi Florina,

    the problem seemed to be with spelling of Bucuresti VS București.

    We guess you added default city then changed map lang?

    We fixed it and it seems to work now. If you have problems with places not apearing then we migh have to create a city with that normal S and then merge them (but seems to be ok now)

    Let us know,



    Expired Member
    Post count: 21

    hey Florina,

    I came across your post while I was looking for linking events with more CPTs too.

    fyi, for your 1) link events with organisers you may want to use your votes against the requested feature ‘Link Events to Custom Posts’ (on page 6 when I looked today) so that one day Paolo and team may feel like it’s worth making it part of GD. 😉


    Florina W
    Expired Member
    Post count: 28

    Thank you again Paolo for your support.

    I am trying now to customise the listing sections. I have two types of listings: places ( and events (

    1. In the top section of each of this, I want to have the map and the search bar. It seems that the map looks quite strange, please have a look… What settings should I do to have the map arranged like in the GD home page here do not want to have spread all around the screen. Or maybe to add it to the listing content section? But how?

    2. How can I make it to see the map more zoomed? Now, when I open the site, the map shows me the whole continent, while all my entries are in one city only. I want the map to show me that city zoomed very large.

    3. On the listing right sidebar, I have added tge Popular Post View widget. I need this widget to show Events on the EVENTS Page and Places on the PLACES page. How can I make that?

    4. It seems that any widget I add to the GD Home Top Section (, it is now shown. For example, now I have added the G Map Homepage and it is not visible.

    5. The listing slider widget seems to be shown not properly, please see the GD homepage (

    Thank you!


    Post count: 29970

    1. You needed to set the width of the widget to 100%.

    2. Tick auto-zoom and set the zoom level to about 10.

    3. Tick “Use current viewing post type” in the widget.

    4. You need to look at your location pages:
    That is where the GD Home widgets show.

    5. Added some CSS to correct the slider.
    GD > design > script.

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