Suggest for seo location on categories & tags

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 9 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #19263

    Free User
    Post count: 64

    First, Big Thanks for GD 1.2.7

    Test site here:

    When add new category i see “Category Top Description”, this very good for seo and friendly design but i think why you don’t add “category top title” in here, and “%location% tag” very good in here it will help no duplicate meta description but why you don’t set “%location%” include city, state, country like meta title in GD 1.2.7

    Ex: in category “Attraction” on “Category Top Description” i type “test description for attraction %location%” when i view category “Attraction” (tphcm, vietnam) i see:
    – Title: All Places in ‘Attractions’
    – Meta title: Attractions in TPHCM, Vietnam with category Attractions
    – Description: test description for attraction TPHCM
    – Meta description: Posts related to Category: Attractions. test description for attraction TPHCM

    Now i think you should add these field for both category_places and tag_place (i think tag also important with SEO if we know use it):
    – Title: easy custom title for friendly design instead default is “All place in”category”. Ex: in category Hotels i want custom “Favorite Hotels in %location%” this will be “Favorite Hotels in TPHCM, Vietnam”
    – Meta Title: easy custom meta title for SEO
    – Category top description: easy custom for friendly design like you did
    – Meta description: easy custom for SEO instead auto generate “Posts related to Category: Attractions”. Ex: in category Attraction i want custom”test description for attraction in %location%” this will be”test description for attraction in TPHCM, Vietnam” instead default is”Posts related to Category: Attractions. test description for attraction TPHCM”
    – Meta keyword: can use “category, %location%”

    I hope you can add more variation instead only %location%
    – total reviews for this category in this location. Ex: category Attraction in tphcm have total 75 reviews and i want custom like that “Now have %total_reviews% reviews on Attraction in %location%” this will be “Now have 75 reviews on Attraction in TPHCM, Vietnam”
    -total listing. Ex: category Attraction in TPHCM have 15 listing and i want custom”Now have %total_listing% places on Attraction in %location” this will be”Now have 15 places on Attraction in TPHCM, Vietnam”

    – Also add this for tag_places and tag_events

    If you can integrated all thing above that i suggest with “wp seo by yoast” (by add variation “location, total reviews, total listing” on wp seo by yoast this will perfect) because “wp seo by yoast” have feature auto generate meta title and meta description with variation very good. This will help save times for custom category and tag manual one by one


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    thanks for your suggestion. I would post them here though if you wish one day or another to see any of that happening.

    In the forum it will get easily lost and forgotten.



    Free User
    Post count: 64

    I think this not a new feature
    It just make seo better
    Ex: i live in vietnam, i will make site by vietnamese, i don’t want use auto generate meta title and meta description for seo by english. I just want custom title and description by my language with some variation above, Thanks


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    we take your opinon seriously, but we don’t change the system or add new features based on one member’s opinion.

    The only way to see something added is to request it in the request system linked above, to submit it to other’s people votes.


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