GP User Login edit password option

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    sathish kumar
    Expired Member
    Post count: 4

    I have done a successful GD installation locally and enabled the GD user plugin which allows me to keep the users for my site different from the wordpress admin user accounts. I am also able to specify the password at the time of registering using this feature but is there a facility to enable the logged in user to change the password using the my account/ my profile page?. Should i edit it somewhere or is there any plugin to be installed for these extended features to get activiated/ work


    Post count: 16516

    Hi Sathish,

    If you add the GD login box widget, you will get a link to the dashboard page. Or you can use buddypress and the buddypress integration addon:



    Post count: 29970

    With just GD installed, your users can change their password if you change the following setting:
    GD > General > General tab > Allow user to see wp-admin area > YES


    sathish kumar
    Expired Member
    Post count: 4

    Oh no, that will expose them to the wp-admin portal which I do not want to do. I want them to be just users of the site, add posts etc like they do on say FB or any other classifieds portals but not see my admin area.. I may even delete the wp-admin folder altogether when I go live and keep it only on my local machine and connect to the remote MySQL Server in the hosted server.. I will try adding the widget as suggested earlier and also try the buddy press as I need that kind of profile page etc for my users to add more info about themselves to be searchable by the audience


    Post count: 29970

    It will only expose them to their profile, try it with a test subscriber.
    Buddypress might be your answer then.


    sathish kumar
    Expired Member
    Post count: 4

    Yes, Buddy press works. The enabling of admin area access to users option as mentioned in the post works good and exposes only the profile section of the member, but I felt buddy press was even better as it offers more options and scope to expand in future as my site might need such a feature. So, I ended up discovering about buddypress thru this post. Thanks guys. I am amazed at the kind of dev team WPGEODIRECTORY is having for quick responses. So, problem solved with BuddyPress plugin.


    Post count: 29970

    You’re welcome, thanks 🙂

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