I am in the process of converting a copy of the first site I created using GT on a test area of my server. It was started in 2012 when all this was new and has been through many changes during the development to GD. All new ones are on GD.
My first impressions are:
The conversion works 🙂 listings are there so the basics are ok. Good.
The main difficulties are:
* Map on the Home Page doesn’t load properly which I don’t want anyway, but do on the sidebar of the listing pages, which also don’t load. Not sure why and have checked my settings. (See screenshot attached.)
* I have to rebuild my Uber navigation with the menu again.
* Widgets are all messed up. I assume I can sort these.
* Navigation which is not in the Uber menu, i.e. in the footer and very top of the page is either missing or is all over the place. Hoping I can sort this.
MY MAIN CONCERN IS: that while I have time to sort this on a test site, it’s no easy job on a live site. I could not do all this in a day and the site would be down while I try to get it looking the way I want and was before.
I’m very happy the conversion basically works (thanks guys, much appreciate this) as the site looks SO much cleaner and modern but the customisation after is a lot of work! I have not yet checked that everything works ok when posting and searching, etc.
I would welcome comments and feedback from others including admin 🙂 as people have asked if anyone has successfully completed this task (apart from admin!) I have attached the Google map error as not yet sure what has caused this. Might be obvious but might not.
Thanks for your help.
All the best,
Hi Stiofan,
Yes I see and will have to work out the best procedure to use to make the conversion ‘live’. I have followed the instructions carefully on a copy of my site on a subdomain of my server just to see if it works ok. I will look again at creating a proper dev site. I think I hit a problem with this when following your instructions hence the subdomain route to test the procedure.
I did obtain a new API key so it must be something simple. I will indeed get back to you if I get stuck 😉
Thanks for your help.
All the best,
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