Kiran had a chance to check and after lots of checking found that issue procuded due to javascript code which is in wp-content/themes/Avada/js/main.js
Code is
Because of this line “cycle” function is executed for all elements which has the “reviews” class on page.
Main thing here is on BP Profile page it adds new classes to body. So if you click on BP Profile -> Profile you will found “profile” class in body class attribute, by same thing it adds “reviews” class in body element attribute when you go to BP Profile -> Reviews tab.
So the above function is also executed for body element.
You have installed theme Avada v3.6.2 and this was fixed in v3.7 with the following line of code:
jQuery('.fusion-testimonials .reviews' ).each( function() {
You can also found more details in Avada change log at http://theme-fusion.com/avada-documentation/changelog.txt
– improved testimonials/slider script
IN SHORT there are two ways to fix issue on http://www.qurbee.com
– Update Avada theme to latest or
– Change
line with
jQuery('body .reviews').cycle(reviews_cycle_args);
in wp-content/themes/Avada/js/main.js
Hope it is clear.
Let us know