Incorrect distance showing

This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 8 years, 1 month ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 101


    I have two points, suggest how this can be done:

    1. When i try the distance it is showing is not matching with when i tried with google, any route I choose, there is a difference of 4 to 5 kms in each listing, lat long i have used what google has provided in maps

    2. Once I am on location/me page now from here If I want the user to go to individual listing pages with nearby auto activated, like see this page here first is street food but when i click on street food, near me is not activated so cant see full listing with near me? How this can be done?



    Post count: 16516

    Hi Rajat,

    The URL seems invalid when I tried to access it. I’d like you to know that you’ll need to have the “Advanced Search” add-on installed and “GeoLocation” enabled if you want the near me to work. Also, I’d like you to know that with the recent changes to the browser requirement, you need to enable SSL for your Website if you need “Geolocation” to work. Please check out this reply and see if it helps . Well, I hope it helps and please let us know how it goes.



    Post count: 29970

    1. Distances are shown in a straight line, not taking any particular route.
    It is the distance from “ME”, it is not a driving distance to the listing location.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 101

    1. Is there any way to see driving route as well, as a product that make more sense for product like this.

    2. Secondly I have added SSL certificate but still in mobile location is not working in most of the browsers

    Correct Link:



    Post count: 16516

    Hi there,

    #1 You can use this option in the map tab to see the driving route

    #2 We’ve just fix the issue by using the “better search replace” to replace all non-https links on the site. Example : “” replace with “” and the “Geolocation” should work on mobile devices and all other browsers now.

    Could you please check on it?



    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    1) we need to provide the distance as the crow flies, or it would take too long to calculate the driving route for multiple listings.

    That’s to be considered as an indication of distance.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 101


    Thanks for the update, please find my comments inline:

    #1 You can use this option in the map tab to see the driving route

    1) we need to provide the distance as the crow flies, or it would take too long to calculate the driving route for multiple listings.

    MY COMMENTS – is there any way that by default we can show the driving directions. Actually crow flies distance would not be used to the user any how in such a product, either user will go by walking or by a car etc. That makes it more logical otherwise there will be impression that this product gives wrong distance.

    #2 We’ve just fix the issue by using the “better search replace” to replace all non-https links on the site. Example : “” replace with “” and the “Geolocation” should work on mobile devices and all other browsers now.

    Could you please check on it?

    MY COMMENTS – Yes, thanks its working now

    New points:

    3. Now when i am on this page

    Is there any way further that when I click on view more all listing are filtered with near by distance?

    Like first component is of street food, when I click on street food view all, all listing should come which are around me?



    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    both things are not possible. As I said we need to provide distance as the crow flies. Providing the driving distance for 10 listings at a time, would take several seconds and make the website unusable.

    The second thing is not possible either, only via Search that would be possible. But if you click in a view all link, it will show them sort them with your default sorting option.


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