Hi, site https://whatshappeningtoday.com .. Yes I am taking another bite at the apple.
I am going to install the wp super cache and remove gd booster.
I will network activate. I am a score of E with Pingdom.
I will also install a cdn plugin to usd max cdn
Here is really my question. In reading about the WP Super Cache plugin I read that we must use “Custom Post” permanlinks. Will this interfere with the requirement to use Post Name?
As I have been using Post Name thus far… Oh well here goes!
Kind regards,
UPdate. Working with MaxCDN. Great support. I installed the WP CDN plugin, installing Autoptimize and will configure according to : https://wpgeodirectory.com/docs/autoptimize-settings/
Also, will tweak the MaxCDN setting as suggested here and tak one Pingdom failed score at a time. Scores of E and F are not acceptable nor are 10 second page loads… 6 for that matter. https://www.maxcdn.com/one/tutorial/leveraging-browser-caching/