Photos on Listing Page

This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Kor 7 years, 11 months ago.

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    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 89


    I’ve noticed whilst going through a few websites in the Showcase, that some listings just have a header image, with a tab to select photos, and others have a listing with a stream of photos loaded underneath them.

    Is this due to an add-on, or can it be achieved via some section in the Geodirectory plugin?


    Post count: 16516

    Hi Ramon,

    I believe you’re referring to our free GD theme. . Could you check and see if it’s what you’re looking for?



    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 89

    Yeah, its the Supreme Directory theme, and it’s ideal for what I’m after. Bit of genius design at last from the developers!

    What I’d also like though, is if a main photo could appear in the ‘detail’, either with or without the photo slide underneath, as apart from the featured image, it all looks a little empty after that.


    Post count: 16516

    Hi Ramon,

    Could you please provide a screenshot of how you’d want it to look like? Not really sure if I get what you mean there and also, share the URL of your Website so that we can take a better look at it.



    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 89

    Well the url is no problem – its This Is Nottingham

    As for the screenshot, aside from going into Gimp or Photoshop, that might be a little tricky.

    BUT – if you click on the ‘Buddokan’ sample data listing, you can see that the featured image is at the top, all Air BNB – like.

    What I’d ideally like to add is either a second main photo (or even a stream of them) right where the Tabs are now, with the tabs moved underneath the photo.


    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 89

    Hmm… looking at it even closer, I think that swapping the tabs around so that ‘Photos’ appears (and opens) first might just suffice.


    Post count: 16516

    Hi Ramon,

    Kindly refer to this section of the documentation as it explains how you can change the order of the tabs/section. . Let us know if it’s what you’re looking for.


    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 89

    Yes, that code snippet works, but it’s now opening the ‘Reviews’ tab first.

    How do I get it to open the ‘Photos’ tab when the page is first opened?


    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 89

    Hang on, I got it.

    Didn’t realise at first, but you need to specify what WAS the old opening tab, that the opening tab is now being moved, and what the new opening tab is now.

    Pretty complex stuff for a Sunday evening!


    Post count: 16516

    Hi Ramon,

    Thanks for your reply and I’m glad that you sorted it out. Let us know if you need anything else.


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