I have uploaded the .mo file for the payment manager addon as geodir_payments-es_MX.mo in the public_html/wp-content/languages/plugins path, which is correct it seems.
The paragraph that is not translating is:
This is a preview of your listing, it has not been published yet.
If there is something wrong then “Go Back and Edit” or if you want to add the listing then click on “Confirm Preview & Go to Checkout”.
You are going to pay $99.99 ( para cada mes ) & alive days are 30 as Básico Plus – 6M listing.
I switched my wordpress site to spanish and this still shows up even though the whole payment manager add on .mo file was uploaded and it was fully translated to spanish.
NOTE: see that only the words in the parentheses was translated to spanish as ” ( para cada mes) ” and nothing else did.
I don’t understand what is wrong.
Please help.