Child Themes for Directory Starter

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Fernando 6 years, 12 months ago.

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    Free User
    Post count: 120


    Is it legit to sell customized child themes (similar to Supreme Directory) for Directory Starter?
    If so, can they be sold on theme selling platforms like

    We have already developed few customized child themes for Directory Starter. Planning to develop more for V2, once the V2 Directory Starter is released, if profitable.

    Thank you in advance.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    We encourage selling GD integrations of quality, whether plugins or themes.

    In general, we work together with Members who provide services. You can take a look here at getting a membership:

    You can also register your services at our experts site:

    For V2 we will be offering some ‘integration’ options for themes to declare GD support. Check back with us in Q2 for an update about that.

    We will also be offering an update for Directory Starter later on in the GDV2 Beta.


    Free User
    Post count: 120

    Thanks for the quick reply.

    However, I need to know specifically that such themes (made for the Directory Starter) can be sold on third party websites/platforms.

    Kind Regards


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Hi Fernando,

    Thanks for taking an interest in building things for GD! 🙂

    If you make a child theme for any GPL licenced theme then the child theme MUST also be released under the GPL licence, this should not be a problem but its something you should be aware of. We love GPL and all our products are GPL as is WordPress and every single theme and plugin on the site so it no problem.

    If you themes are good we would be happy to write a blog post about them to tell our customers, if you have any examples to show us, now or in the future that would be great.

    If you have any more questions just let me know.




    Free User
    Post count: 120

    Thanks, once again.

    They will be in compliance with GPL requirements.
    Planning to release them only after the release of stable version of V2 and its compatible addons (i.e. Location Manager, Advanced Search, Pricing Manager, Claims Listing etc).

    Kind Regards.

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