In need of a different moderator

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  • #424114

    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    I’ve spent hours going back and forth with Alex and getting nowhere today, not to mention the entire week. It’s killing me. I need someone else to work with please. Someone that really understands GD and can try to understand my questions better. I have gone above and beyond explaining what I’m trying to do and it could not be any clearer. I’m sure Alex means well, but I have to get someone else in the mix.

    Really, my site is so close to done. Yet, I’m stuck hung up on a few minor things. I would have been WAY better off paying someone to just do it. So, either I need a better moderator or someone I can “call” ideally in America that can here me out just long enough to see what I need to finish with my site:

    1. Location switcher that’s in menu to work in mobile mode or create a workaround
    2. Add “join” next to login
    3. Fix the location page (currently my locale page) to display content full width like the other pages
    4. Change the “lists” page to one I create with Divi Builder and shortcodes (like I did for the location page).
    5. Move title in the top section from the left side to the center
    6. Help me find and migrate to a better hosting solution if I need to and there is one

    It’s been so hard and frustrating to resolve these things that I’m just drained. I mean, literally all day and night all week I’ve been dealing with this, since last week even! I didn’t get GD to spend all my time trying to figure out this Alex guy and why he doesn’t understand me or answer my questions properly. I got these plugins to add to Elegant themes, which if these plugins are going to work with any theme they SHOULD work with Elegant themese more than any of them. I purchased these plugins to do a job, so I can go do my job, and that’s sell the idea of my directory and as a content developer create content for the directory. I have lost too much time with this. I need help to get away from Alex and into a better direction.

    If someone can work with me I’m willing to pay to get this site absolutely right. It’s very close. I’ve tried to create a successful directory on and off for 18 years. And, for several years I’ve tried with GD. I gave up last year. This year however I am absolutely certain of this project. This project is my life now, this is my path. I need someone that can take it seriously just long enough to help me get going in the right direction. My life or any life for that matter isn’t a joke or something to be half ass about. Alex has not appeared to be very thorough, it’s as if he’s barely doing what it takes to just get a response out there. I need more than that. I am super easy to please and work with. But, this has gone way too far to go nowhere.

    I’ll pay someone, I just need someone that can 1. understand what I’m after and 2. do it.


    Post count: 29970

    1. Location switcher that’s in menu to work in mobile mode or create a workaround
    It is working fine for me on android. Which phone etc is not working for you?

    2. Add “join” next to login
    Please see your other topic.

    3. Fix the location page (currently my locale page) to display content full width like the other pages
    Added this CSS at GD> Design > Scriots

    .page-id-270 #left-area {width: 100%}

    4. Change the “lists” page to one I create with Divi Builder and shortcodes (like I did for the location page).
    That is not how Listing pages work, please review

    5. Move title in the top section from the left side to the center
    Can you clarify which page you mean?

    6. Help me find and migrate to a better hosting solution if I need to and there is one
    Please see


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