Author/Dashboard Layout for Supreme

This topic contains 16 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Jeff Adams 6 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Author
  • #426091

    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    I’m not sure if this is how it’s suppose to be or if it is because of the UserWP that I installed and then uninstalled…

    When I’m signed in I want to be able to go to the dashboard and control all my listings. I have listings in different CPT’s. It’s not very obvious where to go to get to the dashboard. But, I know to go to my account and click on my username, although “Dashboard” may be more consistent.

    When I click on my name under “My Account” it brings me to a “listings” page where I can select my CPT category and go to the list of listings I have created. If those listings are for a CPT that have addresses then there is a map showing on the right which really doesn’t seem necessary and there isn’t a way to go back to the listing page or change CPT without selecting “My Account” again and the username.

    If I select a CPT on the listings page is one that doesn’t show addresses I like that it has the widget sidebar instead of the map. This is great because it enables me to do everything right there on the same page.

    is there a way to remove the map from the author page?

    Is there a way to remove “my account” from the menu?

    What would be the URL I use to create a menu item for “Login/Dash” because if I use author after the domain name I need it to pull the users name after that can I put here automatically add users name so this url will go to their dashboard. This way I can create a menu item for the navigation somewhere I want, like in the “more” drop down and footer and call it whatever I want like “Login/Dash”.)


    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    this is the map I want to remove, see how it prevents the author page sidebar from showing


    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    And I have the widgets setup in the sidebar

    and I have the design setup to show everything, but all i get on CPT’s with address is the map


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    GD comes with the #loginbox widget, which has links all together in one place to manage all your listings.

    This widget is sometimes placed in the footer so it appears on every page, or you can add it to other templates as needed.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    You are using the Supreme directory theme, and the map is part of the template for listing pages and search.

    To customize the theme for your style you will need to create custom CSS. We can show you an example of how this is done.

     #geodir_content {
        flex-basis: 100%;
        width: 100% !important;
    .sd.archive.geodir-page .geodir-listings-sidebar-right {
        display: none;}

    This will hide the map but the CSS must be changed to target that particular CPT. Customizing the theme may have unintended consequences so be prepared to remove your changes.

    For more about customizing your style please see:


    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    Wait a minute, if you were looking at my posts above your responses you would know that I know about the widget and clearly I’m saying I’m using the widget but it’s not showing on the author page with CPT’s that have an address. Putting the widget at the bottom is ridiculous, it spreads it crazy and virtually hides it. And there is no need for the map on the author/dashboard page.

    So, again:

    is there a way to remove the map from the author page? Please supply a way, I’m trying to make your theme better for users, not just me. It’s a great theme, surely you want to “finish it” by making the dashboard have no map and allow a place for the sidebar.

    Is there a way to remove “my account” from the navigation? Please answer how/supply a way

    What would be the URL I use to create a menu item for “Login/Dash” because if I use author after the domain name I need it to pull the users name after that can I put here automatically add users name so this url will go to their dashboard. This way I can create a menu item for the navigation somewhere I want, like in the “more” drop down and footer and call it whatever I want like “Login/Dash”.)


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    1. is there a way to remove the map from the author page?

    Remove the widget from the author page widget area

    2. Is there a way to remove “my account” from the navigation?


        display: none;

    3. What would be the URL I use to create a menu item for “Login/Dash”

    That would require a customization; instead, we recommend the #loginbox which includes that link.


    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    Thanks, as far as the sidebar though:

    1. is there a way to remove the map from the author page?

    Remove the widget from the author page widget area

    The map widget is not and has never been in the author page widget area. So, I still don’t know how to remove the map…


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Do you mean the featured image on the author page?


    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    Please look at reply #426106

    The author page has a map for CPT’s that have an address. The author page “does not” need a map for CPT’s that have an address. The author page “does need” a sidebar for widgets when displaying the authors’ listings that have addresses.

    I would like to remove the map on the author page. I would like a sidebar where the map is. CPT’s without an address are like this.

    When the unnecessary map on the author page is gone there will be no need for the author listings page (see image in reply #426091). The dashboard can simply go straight to the author page.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    1. Supreme comes with a map on all listing pages including the Dashboard pages that show “My listings”. Removing it requires customization by editing the template, as CSS solutions have mixed results.

    Let me know if I missed something here


    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    How do I see the footer sections on the author page? I have the option selected “Author bottom section” but I don’t see that accomplishing anything.

    In this first image attached you’ll see I’ve added the login/dash to the first section of the footer. in the second image you’ll see I have the author bottom selected to show. in the third image you’ll see the author page bottom, well, that there isn’t one.


    Post count: 16516

    Hi Jeff,

    Thanks for your reply. Just inspected your Website and the footer on the author page works fine. You just need to insert a widget into the “GD Author Bottom Section” as shown in the attached screenshot.

    If you’re not referring to the footer widget on the author page, you can use this custom CSS code.

     .site-footer, .sd.archive.geodir-page .site-footer {
        display: block!important;



    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    Oh, suddenly the footer is different on the author page? I thought the 4 column footer was suppose to be on all the pages.

    Man, I was adding widgets to this 4 foot column footer so I could have the login widget there all pretty. Now I find that it doesn’t even show on the author page… rrrrr usually “footers” show on all pages of a site… Now I’m annoyed again, lol


    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    Guust, that CSS worked perfectly, no longer annoyed 🙂 thanks to you Guust!!! 🙂

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