I’m having trouble deciding on the appropriate types (and configuration) of new fields for my listings before eventually importing a large spreadsheet w/ thousands of listings.
My goal is for my listings’s fields to appear like those seen on the sidebar of the webpage in the ATTACHED screenshot.
Some groups of fields (example groups: “Financial & Insurance Details” and “Facility Center Details”) should display the fields regardless of whether the value is yes or no.
Other groupings of fields (example from website linked above: “Accreditation/License”) should display ONLY the fields if the value is yes.
Ideally I’d like to display Checkmark and X icons in the place of “yes” and “no” if possible as well (like the website linked above).
Should I use multi-select?
Should I use an {optgroup} in the Option Values?
I’ve also attached a screenshot of a portions of my binary spreadsheet columns.
Please help! Thanks in advance for your guidance