I am testing the registration and payment process on my site and have found a problem.
I have set up paid pricing packages for the main category and set up ‘pre-bank payment’ as my only payment method. When I register as a new user and attempt to add a listing it goes fine until, having checked the preview, I press the ‘Publish and Pay’ button without having selected the only payment method radio button – I know I should have selected one, but I expect some people will do as I just did (hence my testing what happens).
The next page that appears is the add listing (defaulted as free package) with no information added (no draft listing has been published). I can see users getting frustrated (even if it is their own mistake) at having to add everything again – and without an explanation of why.
My question is this: for paid packages, could it be set up so that if the ‘Publish and Pay’ button is pressed (at preview stage) when a payment method has not been selected then a message such as ‘You must select a payment method’ comes up and no progress can be made from the page?