Thank you for your interest!! Banner ad is not a geodirectory feature, its placing an ad for their event on the website in the category of their event (using Advanced ads, which is very feature rich) Advanced ads has a Selling ads feature, but it is woocommerce dependent, so we have to add the extra banner ads into the Packages, all I can do right now if someone wants banner ad, they have to have a featured listing too, they cant just choose banner ad, to upgrade, because if they already had featured listing, it downgrades them, and if I add featured to banner ad package, then anyone who chooses that will automatically get featured status too. Sounds confusing, right?
So my only workaround is 3 packages, 1-plain event, 2-featured event, 3 featured event + banner ad, no one can have plain event with banner ad.
That’s why I was asking if version 2 might give me the chance to offer upgrades independently that are not associated directly with the Listing itself. If so, I can relay to client and won’t have to try and build some custom coding for features that are on the way.