Reviews and Contributions

This topic contains 9 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 6 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #457403

    Robert Davenport
    Post count: 609

    Hi, I have several questions related to reviews and contributions I’d like to post privately on the next post.

    Thank you,


    Robert Davenport
    Post count: 609
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Glad to hear that you found a formula that works for you here.

    I have flagged your topic for the developers.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Hi Robert,

    did you see this?

    Connecting GeoDirectory with WooCommerce enables your listing owners to sell just about anything. I heard Vikas is improving it for GDV2 and it will allow to sell bookings, deals and more or less whatever you can sell via WooCommerce. GD is compatible with AffiliateWP (we have an add-on for it) and AffiliateWP is compatible with WooCommerce too.



    Robert Davenport
    Post count: 609
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    1 no, it’s been developed by a third party developer
    2 yes
    3 in the plugins page
    4 it’s pretty much the same
    5 not very difficult
    6 we use GeoMarketplace to sell GeoMarketplace

    I don’t have examples of sites using affiliatewp that I can show, but you can read everything about it here



    Robert Davenport
    Post count: 609

    Hey Paolo,

    Gonna need a little further clarification on a few of your answers…

    Regarding my question and your answers to number:

    2. When the GeoMarketPlace plugin is setup, does it allow us (the site owners) to charge a backend commission on each product sold or is it just designed to let the business own sell their products and services and not pay out any commissions? YOU ANSWERED: “yes”…..SO ARE YOU SAYING “YES” TO THE FACT THAT WE AS SITE OWNERS CAN CHARGE A BACKEND COMMISSION ON EACH PRODUCT SOLD…….OR……..ARE YOU SAYING “YES” TO THE FACT THAT “IT IS JUST DESIGNED TO LET THE BUSINESS OWNER SELL THEIR PRODUCTS AND SERVICES AND…….NOT……..PAY OUT ANY COMMISSIONS? WHICH IS IT?

    3. I’m almost certain we still have v1 of Geodiretory installed on….how / where can I check to make certain? YOU ANSWERED: “in the plugins page”….WHICH GEODIRECTORY PLUGIN AM I LOOKING FOR?

    4. I’m not familiar with AffiliateWP but am very familiar with WP Affiliate Manager and it does work with WooCommerce. Does AffiliateWP allow you to do basically the same things as WP Affiliate Manager (if you scroll 1/3 way down, the list all capabilities)…? YOU ANSWERED: “it’s pretty much the same” THAT’S LIKE SAYING THE COLOR RED AND PURPLE ARE PRETTY MUCH THE SAME. DOES THE “WP AFFILIATES MANAGER” WORK WITH GEODIRECTORY SINCE IT NOW CAN INTEGRATE WITH WOOCOMMERCE OR NOT? DID YOU TAKE THE TIME TO READ THE FEATURES AND BENEFITS OF WP AFFILIATE MANAGER AND THEN COMPARE IT TO AFFILIATEWP BEFORE STATING “it’s pretty much the same”…?

    Thank you,


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    2 it uses WC Marketplace that allows to set a % for each sales to be paid to the vendors and of course it allows them to create any kind of products.

    3 geodirectory

    4 no it’s not like saying red and purple are the same, because both plugin do the exact same thing. They allows to set a commission to websites that refer sales on your website. AffiliateWP is the ONLY affiliate plugin that works with both WooCommerce and GeoDirectory.

    If you wish to use another plugin, you’ll have to make it compatible.



    Robert Davenport
    Post count: 609

    Thank you for clarifying those items Paolo!

    In regard to item #4 where the commissions are concerned…..

    A. Does this track the affiliate referral for a business a new business to signup or is it just tracking any sales the business makes?

    B. If it does track the new business sign-up and pay out commissions, can it also be setup to track and pay out commissions to the affiliate referrer on a monthly recurring basis as long as the referred business keeps paying for their subscription each month?

    C. Can this process use PayPal to track and do mass payouts for commissions? Or does it require Stripe?

    Thank you,


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    A For GeoDirectory currently it tracks only referral of listing submission.
    For more info please ask to the plugin developers

    B see A

    C see A


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