Shortcode builder missing – full page setting, side bar on home page

This topic contains 19 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Alex Rollin 6 years, 1 month ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 80

    I am trying to learn how to edit and customize in the new version of geodricetory v2, however it seems everytime i try to follow directions in the documents my screen is different from the instructions.

    I am not sure what I have done.

    When I go to edit a page I do not get anything that shows a shortcode builder as described here…

    I have tried going to my pages and selecting edit, classic edit.. even looked in beaver builder( which i know is not where it is)

    I have changed something where it is only showing me code… I can not figure out how to fix this. please help.

    I also have set somewhere for pages to be at full screen and i need to change that back. i have gone back to my settings and made sure the template for full screen is NOT selected, but the full screen doesn’t stay.

    Also I can not seem to get a side bar on my home page. I have re-run the setup wizard numerous times. and The widget sections doesn’t show me all of the options that it shows in some of these examples.

    if you can please help me fix the above 3 things… 1. make shortcode builder appear 2. fix my pages to not be wide screen, 3. add right side bar to home page.

    i will add another private post with user name and password for site


    Expired Member
    Post count: 80
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    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    you can now proceed to setup GDV2

    And use the shortcode editor to add elements

    You should also run the setup wizard and review this doc:


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Expired Member
    Post count: 80

    I want to be able to use the short code builder please. I’m watching videos on y’alls YouTube channel and it’s showinf me step by step how to use it. This is what I was trying to accomplish but updating to the GD V2 to be able to use the easier editing options. I can’t tell you have many times I have read the material and wat her the videos and end up with something not there. I’m sure many times because I screwed up something. But I don’t understand code or css or hemp. So the use of the short code builder and blocks is something that I think I can use easier. T watched videos on how to change design in different types of listings etc with the update GD V2. So I don’t know if the classic has the blocks and the short code builder. But that is what I was trying to make work. Is this what you “turned on”? Or set to default? If not can u set the other to default or tell me how please.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    I have updated this document to include with instructions for setup of the Classic Editor.

    Please review the entire document for an introduction to the Block editor and links to additional resources.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 80

    Ok, thank you very much for all this info on all of these issues. I will go thru them again step by step and try to do this again. I appreciate your help and I apologize if I came across impatient… I wasn’t aware of the normal “turn around time” I am just accustom to being able to do pretty much whatever I need to do on a computer and this project isn’t working out that way.

    I do search the forums and search save the links to refer back to from all my questions. please know that I exhaust all my efforts (and usually a few hours) before I bother yall with my requests… so by the time I do ask for help I guess I’m at the end of my rope… but I do appreciate your assistance.

    question about re-running the setup wizard…. I saw in one of your instructions to re-run the setup again.. i have run it about 5 times in the last 2 days/ I will do it again.. please tell me when I should run the setup in the future or should I be able to just get it setup and not have to continue to do that right? the setup is to put in my side bars , dummy data etc… is this correct? and gives me my base “set up” …. or what other purpose does it serve, so I know when to use it in the future.

    again … thank you


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    The setup wizard is good if you change themes. It will, in a couple clicks, re-add the most common widgets (most useful). It doesn’t do anything else that is hidden or required. You could do everything it does with other settings, and even the widgets it adds are outlined here so you can add them manually:

    Write in whenever you have questions, no problem, we are glad to help you succeed.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 80

    when I go to that step .. trying to setup the DEFAULT SIDEBAR WIDGETS… when I am running the setup, in my drop down menu I do not have an option for Primary Sidebar (auto detect) and so after I run my wizard I do NOT have the primary sidebar menu as you show in this article (if I am looking for it in the correct place… which is in the widget area that we used in V1)

    also where exactly do I find the GD>Author Actions menu? I’m not find that either.. thx


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    You should pick the sidebar for your theme, the one that shows on the details page.

    GD > Author Actions is a widget. You can find it in WordPress – Appearance – Widgets


    Expired Member
    Post count: 80

    ohhhhhhhh okkk.. i finally found it! thank you.. it was confusing, because before the only way I knew to make a widget work was to have a location to drag it to on the right side of the page.. and we always had the pages with the body, side bars etc….

    are there other GD widgets in there that I can “activate”? or do all the other ones just do the drag/ drop onto?


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Most all Design Elements are available as widgets, shortcodes, or blocks. You just need to know the name of the one you want, and then add widgets to sidebars, shortcodes to page areas, and blocks in the block editor.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 80

    I followed all the instructions to make a “new home page” because with the new GD V2 the home page is not provided.

    I still have it saved as “sample” I am making it with blocks… However at one point…after I was very far into my creation of the page I couldn’t figure out how to do something in blocks so I went to try do it in beaver builder and I lost EVERYTHING on the page… thankfully I had saved most of the blocks as reusable blocks and without too much trouble was able to re-build the page. But can you tell me if there is a way to ‘back up” or “save” my page while I am working on it so I do loose all my work?

    NEED HELP —- I am still not able to get the sidebar to appear. I have gone to the widgets section in wordpress and I have SIDEBAR PAGE WIDGET showing , in that widget I added an image with a link that I want to show up in my sidebar under my “log in ” but my sidebar still is not showing on my page when I view it. .. sigh…

    When I am in blocks and I check the page attributes on the right side in the menus I have it set as template = GeoDirectory… and “no parent” I am not sure if this is correct.

    I also want to go ahead and “LINK IT” OR MAKE IT my ‘LIVE’ home page… if I go to my “all pages” and select quick edit and change the title of the sample page to is that going to change it and make it the home page? or do i need to select – Home from the drop down menu?

    if you need to log on i still have the same temporary user name and password set while I am working on these issues.

    thank you
    i’m using wordpress 5
    Geodirectories Supreme V2
    and Blocks editor


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Please send a link to the page where you want to see a sidebar. Also include login details in case we need to check the settings.

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