Hi again,
unfortunately, I’m getting again the array error displayed even afer using your suggestions above stated. Screenshot > https://www.screencast.com/t/DEP9WGPV
Here is my file exported to be re-imported
I’ve increased the max file upload size to 10MB within GD > General Settings
And checked my upload_max_filesize 64M within server setup.
But still getting this error
Array( [error] => The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini.)x
For Solvings: The problem hereby is, that from weekdays on Mo-Sa we are adding new listings each day. So if you act today for helping to get it to run not problem. If you check and try to re-import this file from tomorrow onwards Mo-Sa then we have a problem as new listings then would be lost. AND I have listings where the exiry date is almost gone and after a few day they will be gone. So it is urgent to get this to run.
Please advise how to proceed.
Best, Alex