I would like to be able to change the way dates are displayed, especially on multi-day events as the format of [Start Date] [Start Time] – [End Date] [End Time] is silly for a multi-day event since it implies that the event is running concurrently for all of those hours when they are not. I know you have code for an alternate address display, but what about the dates?
Also, is there a way to only show the CURRENT iteration (e.g. just February 18, 2019) on the Listing Detail page for a recurring event as the event’s date instead of ALL of the dates for the recurring event? I tried using the [gd_output_location location=”listing”] shortcode as the listing detail shows ALL of the recurring event dates, which I DO NOT want in the date area, but it only shows the next available date in the recurring cycle and not the actual date of the listing.