files export import

This topic contains 12 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Stiofan O’Connor 6 years ago.

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    Kathy Geisler
    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 313


    I am working from the fresh install of V2 and wonder if it might be possible to export / import the listing files from my original V1 site?

    Please let me know if this is possible or not.

    thank you!!!


    Post count: 29970

    I suggest:
    Export from V1
    Check the columns, and make sure to create the same custom fields in V2
    Also make sure to have the same categories
    Add a listing manually in V2
    Export the V2 listings
    Compare the 2 CSV files
    You will see different column names etc, so you will need to do some adjusting
    For example , in V2 category IDs are used, not category names.

    Converting may be simpler and faster, because all custom fields, categories and price packages will be preserved.



    Kathy Geisler
    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 313
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    Post count: 29970

    As long all the category IDs are the same, and the custom fields are the same and have the same field key, then that should work.
    Listings on recurrent price packages, if any, will no longer work as expected.
    You also will have to deal with moving images most likely, depending on the final URL of the site.



    Kathy Geisler
    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 313
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    Post count: 29970

    So I should just change the ID numbers to match?
    Yes, you can change all the IDs of the categories in the CSV file to match the site you want to import in to.

    If you cannot import a CSV file into a WP site, then make sure you are using the latest WP version, see


    Kathy Geisler
    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 313
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    Post count: 29970

    What’s the data for post type?
    That should be gd_place etc, and needs to exist of course.

    Export from the new site and compare the columns and data. Your import needs to match the correct format for the new site.

    If you want us to have a look at your settings then please post your URL and WP admin details in a private reply and we’ll have a look. We’ll also need a copy of the CSV file.



    Kathy Geisler
    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 313
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    Post count: 29970

    1. Compare the columns, the 2 exports must have matching columns, and they must be in the same order.

    2. You cannot import listings with a post ID, that will only work if you are trying to update listings with the same post ID. Imports of new listings must have an empty ID field.

    3. Importing the listings with user ID 2 will assign all the listings to your support user.



    Kathy Geisler
    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 313
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    Post count: 29970
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    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956
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