Please help me fix my home page up some. I just converted from V1 to V2 and everything seems to be going good so far. There’s just a few things I need help with.
The icons are small for some reason on the homepage. I noticed this in the video explaining how to convert to V2. But resolving that was never mentioned.
Also, I’m using Supreme theme. On the homepage only is there a way to show all the search fields for each custom post type as it does but not show the location field (in my case the field next to “search” button that says “near zip or street/city”). Right now I have people going to the site looking in specific locations. I have over a hundred listings but if they look in a specific locations then they’re not going to find anything. So, it would be really, really great to not see the location field next to the CPT selection and “search for” fields.