User Dashboard

This topic contains 22 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Eileen Quick 5 years, 7 months ago.

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    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165

    Hi There

    Going round in circles with this one. when users log in to their account I want them to be able to

    See their listing
    Renew their listing
    Change their card details
    Cancel their listing
    Be able to upgrade from free to paid or any other package
    etc etc

    I found a dashboard shortcode but it does not give me anything and I do not know how to add to this even though I have read through everything.

    I have tried changing the page to content left sidebar right but that does not work.

    I would be really grateful if you could just point me in the right direction with some basic instruction on how to get this on the page.

    The page that I have is a welcome page and I want the dashboard to be on there.

    Standard emails that go out from wpgeo say to users that they can login and renew or update card and subscription details etc but I just cannot see a way to add this to their welcome page via shortcodes.

    Please help.

    I am using V2.

    Many thanks.

    Kind regards


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    You need to install UsersWP (possible via the setup wizard) and configure it.

    Let us know if you need further help with this.


    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165

    Hi Paolo

    Thank you. However my client already pays for wpgeo and now that I have upgraded it I need to have yet another paid plugin to actually make it work fully. The premium version of userswp is $99 per annum and as far as I can see the geodirectory integration adds 3 new tabs showing listings submitted, reviews and fav listings. Please let me know if different.

    Surely there should be some shortcodes within the core software to make the basics work (without having to purchase more software) and having a dashboard with all the facilities on a directory is pretty basic. Users should be able to have a dashboard and be able to upgrade, see invoices, pay renewals, change card details, stop payments etc etc. This is pretty fundamental and if not it really should be!

    There is a dashboard shortcode which does not work and you don’t seem to be able to add extra items to it so is this defunct?

    Kind regards


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    UsersWP is free and to use on your directory you don’t need any of the addons.


    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165

    Hi Paolo

    Before I go to the trouble of taking off what I already use and putting this one on – can it do all the things I want in terms of what the user can do in his dashboard as per my initial post?

    I already use a login plugin that points to specific pages etc that works really well but its only the shortcodes that do not work.

    So are you saying now that wpgeodirectory will not work correctly without this plugin?


    Kind regards


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    If you want users management, yes UWP is required.

    See their listing – yes
    Renew their listing – yes
    Change their card details – this done via payment gateway site only, ee don’t store cc numbers on your site.
    Cancel their listing – yes
    Be able to upgrade from free to paid or any other package – yes

    Thank you


    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165

    Hi Paolo

    OK, thats great, I will look at changing over.

    Just a couple of things more.

    Can they also change their password


    re the change of card details. Can they actually do that themselves ie is there a link to the payment gateway stripe to do that? If not does this have to be done manually from within Stripe as people often change cards and cards run out etc

    Many thanks.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    1) Yes they can change password and much more.

    2) This has to be done manually from within Stripe at the moment. We’ll look into doing it via API, I’m not 100% sure it is possible though.



    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165

    Hi Paolo

    Just trying out userswp on a test site and does not work as shown in your instructions ie the profile page looks nothing like the one here

    I have set up userswp as per instructions link below before doing the above however on that page, reference is made to gd Login which of course no longer exists in V2:

    According to the documentation I should be able to see Geodirectory in the list under userswp in the left menu of wordpress. However it is not there and I am therefore unable to set up the link between the two.

    When I log in to test the profile page I see is attached which is nothing like it should.

    There is also no option to select to display in the profile, password reset, upgrade package etc

    Could you please advise.



    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Post count: 1971


    We have changed the settings interface in our UsersWP plugin. So you will get the profile related settings in UsersWP->General->Profile and to add the post types for GD to display in profile tabs, you can go to UsersWP->Addons->GeoDirectory.

    Let me know if you have any questions.



    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Post count: 1971


    We are working on the enhancements in UsersWP plugin and changing the old UI so according to that, we are also updating the documentation on our site.

    You will see the listing tab in your profile which contains listings created by you. You can edit that listing by clicking on the edit link below the listing content and you can update and upgrade.

    You should select “Show on GD pages only” from the GD > Map widget settings as it will display places on those pages mostly.



    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165

    Hi Patrik

    You are not really answering my questions. The profile page looks nothing like it should so why is that?

    I cannot add functions that I understood could be added such as upgrade, add a new listing, change password, renew subscription etc as my list above.

    The tiny wheel on the right just looks stupid and the My Account should actually be in a list for selecting. At the moment it looks totally unprofessional.

    If I select the map to only show on GD pages then I cannot add it to my page that I have set up separately. Where the map is actually showing on my example above there should be a list of function tabs for people to select as in the first image so why is it putting the map there. I cannot help but think that there is some simple explanation to this that has been missed.

    If not, Are you saying that all these things cannot be done and that I cannot get the page to look like it is supposed to, according to the documentation?

    The whole reason in swapping to userswp was to get extra functionality as above and looks but its actually worse than I have got at the moment using another login plugin and my own design of page.

    It was actually much better in V1 because at least it all worked.

    If this cannot be achieved then could you please advise when these updates are going to be made.

    As a matter of urgency I would also like to know how to add upgrade package to a users login at the very least because at the moment there is no way for a free user to upgrade.

    Thank you.

    Kind regards


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Hi Eileen,

    There are free and paid listings, not users, so the upgrade is associated with the listings, not with the user.

    The upgrade link appears, for each listing on the details page itself.

    See screenshots attached

    In the new dashboard design Patrik mentioned, we will add the upgrade listing and other info about subscription directly on the user profile.

    The layout is completely different to how it should look according to your documentation. ie there is no box on the right with my listings/add listings etc.

    This requires the GD > Dashboard widget added to the profile sidebar. If you don’t have a profile sidebar, you need to edit the profile page and select a template that includes a sidebar.

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