Major improvements to my Bubble

This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Kor 4 years, 4 months ago.

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    Martin Roche
    Expired Member
    Post count: 29

    Hi. I want to vastly improve how the information Bubble from my maps looks.

    I want to control the information in the bubble and not have any scroll at all. Ideally I would like wider and deeper, enough for address and possibly to add other contact details on – I have hidden the Review stars and favourite button easily but struggling with more complicated CSS


    Post count: 16516

    Hi Martin Roche,

    Thanks for your post. There are some limitation for customizing the bubble map. Could you explain and highlight it using screenshots and tell us how do you want it to look like?


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    If the settings and GD Output Location are not working you can go further by customizing the Map Bubble and the CSS

    To customize the template:

    Any CSS you want to override will be visible on the page but the original source are in:

    \geodirectory\assets\css\partials\_map_bubble_google.scss and _map_bubble_osm.scss


    Martin Roche
    Expired Member
    Post count: 29

    Thanks Kor,

    All I really want is the image (logo) and the address in the bubble to display fully without the scroll. I’ve hidden the review starts and Heart already.

    This is an example:
    (as attached as screengrab).

    Would be great to be deeper depending on amount of information, but I can’t figure this out.

    This needs to be the same on mobile obviously. We be great if it covered a larger area.


    Post count: 16516

    Hi Martin,

    Thanks for your reply. Could you try applying the custom CSS code below and see if it helps?

    .main_map_wrapper .gm-style .gm-style-iw {
        min-height: 300px !important;
        max-height: 300px!important;

    Martin Roche
    Expired Member
    Post count: 29

    Perfect. Thank you Kor.

    One further thing on here. I would like to add a link or a button underneath address in bubble to say something like “Full details here”


    Post count: 16516

    Hi Martin,

    Thanks for your reply. You can refer to “Map Bubble” in this section of the documentation .

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