Upgrade Link Issue
This topic contains 11 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Alex Rollin 5 years ago.
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March 4, 2020 at 8:30 am #533446
I added the Upgrade Tab to the UserWP Profile page using the Shortcode tab and the [gd_author_actions] shortcode.
1. When I click the Upgrade Button it takes me to the Add Listing Page and this doesn’t seem correct because this would have them adding a NEW listing and not upgrading their current listing.
This also doesn’t take into account if the Business has more than one listing. We have all of these settings in Packages about being about to upgrade from one plan to another yet there doesn’t seem to be a way to actually upgrade a business listing that I can find.
2. How do I add a Reset Password to the Profile Page? The reason I ask this is that I was going to add this link “https://lascrucesdirectory.com/reset/” to the Profile page but when I click it the link takes me to the “account” page and I see NO way to reset a password here.
March 4, 2020 at 8:33 am #533448This reply has been marked as private.March 4, 2020 at 11:08 am #533468Hi,
I’m sorry, there must have been a miscommunication.
GD Author Actions should be used in the GD Details page sidebar or the GD Archive Item, not the UWP profile.
Let us know how it goes
March 4, 2020 at 11:13 am #533472This reply has been marked as private.March 4, 2020 at 11:20 am #533475This reply has been marked as private.March 4, 2020 at 2:39 pm #533520Oh, well, you have not added the gd_add_listing shortcode to the GD Add Listing page.
There can be only one GD Add Listing page because it is used for all edits and upgrades.
Add the shortcode and it should work fine.
March 4, 2020 at 3:22 pm #533538Alex,
Okay I see how that works now. I still had my original Add Listing page.
But with that said….. I created the new Add Business Listing page because of the Custom Post Types (ie Restaurants, Businesses, Places, Events, Accommodations) to overcome issues of people not being redirected to the correct CPT “add listing” page.
Is there another way to do sort this out? Any suggestions? How are others handling the multiple CPT’s issue?
March 4, 2020 at 4:03 pm #533550When you say multiple CPT issue, I am not sure what you mean.
Can you describe the issue?
If you need links for to load the right CPT on the add listing page you can find them in the GeoDirectory Endpoints
March 4, 2020 at 4:13 pm #533553Alex,
So help me out here. If I am a Restaurant owner and I am checking out your website and I am checking out the business listings and I click a link to Add Business Listing and I am taken to a page that only allows me to add a Business Listing and not a Restaurant listing…. how would I navigate to get to the Add Restaurant Listing?
Maybe I am overlooking something in the setup but for me if I just use the Add Listing Page on my site I am always redirected to the Add Business Page. This is why I created the new page with the link for Add Business, Add Restaurant etc.. because you had previously advised me to create a custom link for each CPT…or at least that is what I gathered at the time.
March 4, 2020 at 4:20 pm #533556A menu item would be a place to start.
March 4, 2020 at 4:45 pm #533568Not sure what you mean? “A” Menu Item is one item or one link. I have 5 CPT’s so this is where the issue comes in…. you have in the setup of GD one “Add Listing” page that is needed for upgrades but in order to Add Listings in the other CPT’s you want me to add a Menu Item for each. It doesn’t make sense. Confusing… this is how we got here to this point because I created a new page link for each CPT as you suggested but yet you left out the major issue of being able to upgrade a listing. Now I have to go back to and try to figure out what is wrong.
How the heck are we supposed to navigate all of these inconsistencies?
It would be really nice if GD would spend some time creating some tutorials/videos explaining these options and how we can be successful in setting them up. The way it is now is that I have to have my customers ask me “how am I to use the Discount code and upgrade my listing cause I don’t see a way to upgrade?” So I am left saying “Honestly I don’t know but I will find out.”
I really have tried to find support docs before coming to support but after failing the majority of the time I just gave up.
Alex can you please explain more than Add a Menu Item and what you mean? I have attached a screenshot of my site Profile page with links that I added. And this is why my Add Listing page had these links also…..
March 4, 2020 at 9:21 pm #533621All the appropriate menu links will be listed in the GeoDirectory Endpoints section
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