Yes, I had found that last page after my last comment and used it to successfully remove field labels on the map bubble!
Unfortunately, the following CSS code to remove icons that was suggested didn’t work for me.
.gd-bubble .geodir_post_meta.geodir-field-post_title .geodir_post_meta_icon.geodir-i-text {
display: none;
But this code worked to remove the icons:
.geodir-company_info i, .geodir_post_meta i, .geodir-company_info .svg-inline–fa, .geodir_post_meta .svg-inline–fa {
display: none;
I have no idea what any of that means, just used inspect to find it. (Also, the links in the map bubble to the detail pages for each place are now giving me 404 errors for some reason! Oh well.)
I am debating trying the third chunk of code on that link, which involved editing the map bubble’s php file in order to customize the way the address field looks. But the larger issue is that I am trying to find a solution that I will use to build multiple directory sites…and I don’t think is safe/smart/viable to do a ton of random tweaking like that that may break all at once on those multiple sites (when another version of GeoDirectory comes out, or I do something stupid that collides with another plugin, for example). Seems risky to me. But again, I know enough just to know that I don’t know enough!!
Thank you so much for all of your time and your quick responses. I will spend the next day or so figuring out whether I can make this work.