Brett Matthews

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  • in reply to: Page title: GeoDirectory home page set as home #22253

    Brett Matthews
    Post count: 17

    Thanks John, appreciate the quick service. I’ve made a note of the code you added in case the theme gets updated.

    in reply to: Page title: GeoDirectory home page set as home #22174

    Brett Matthews
    Post count: 17
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Search results – order by distance #13457

    Brett Matthews
    Post count: 17

    Thanks Guust.

    in reply to: can't create new places from admin #13453

    Brett Matthews
    Post count: 17

    I’m having similar problems after installing the above versions of the core plugin and Multilocations.

    I can select a Category and enter an address in the Add New Place or Edit Place screens, but those selections don’t stick when I save the draft or publish the Place.

    The problems seem to be in the Place Information and Place Attachments sections. The title, main detail and Place Tags sections seem to work OK.

    in reply to: Location switcher and bad URLs #11123

    Brett Matthews
    Post count: 17

    Hi Guust.

    All good, I thought I’d turned that setting off, but anyway whatever you did has worked.

    As a general comment, you might want to expand your documentation a bit. I’ve seen a few threads now on this forum where you guys have told users “you can’t use this setting if …” or “that doesn’t work if …”, but there’s nothing in the documentation about the issue.

    Thanks once more for your service.

    in reply to: Location switcher and bad URLs #10895

    Brett Matthews
    Post count: 17

    iinet have advised that the change to my hosting account is complete, so Vikas should be able to access the account now.

    I notice you made a few changes last week. There is some improvement, if I manually enter the slash in the URL between location/australia, the site now retains the selected location when navigating to other pages. But it appears your changes also introduced some other problems, for example when using Internet Explorer, the missing slash now sometimes takes me to a generic Microsoft 404 error page, rather than the theme’s 404 error page.

    in reply to: Location switcher and bad URLs #10344

    Brett Matthews
    Post count: 17

    Guust was correct, iinet had restricted access to the account to Australia. They have entered a request to allow overseas access, it will take somewhere from 2 – 72 hours to process. They have agreed to contact me when the process is complete, as soon as I hear from them I will let you know.

    Thanks again for your service, very good.

    in reply to: Location switcher and bad URLs #10335

    Brett Matthews
    Post count: 17

    I will ring iinet and see what I can do.

    in reply to: Location switcher and bad URLs #10320

    Brett Matthews
    Post count: 17

    I was on the site briefly this morning, maybe Vikas tried to access at the same time?

    I haven’t intentionally put any restrictions on anything. A long time ago I did have to arrange for iinet to transfer ownership of the site to me (CHOWN), because auto WordPress updates weren’t working and it was the only way I could change file and folder permissions through Dreamweaver. This stuff is a little bit over my head, sorry if I’m not clear.

    in reply to: Auto Update to v1.0.8 failed. Can't download manually. #10303

    Brett Matthews
    Post count: 17

    Paolo, I read that solution, my site has the slash at the end of that field in the permalink settings, but I’m still getting the problem as described.

    in reply to: Location switcher and bad URLs #10236

    Brett Matthews
    Post count: 17
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Location switcher and bad URLs #10222

    Brett Matthews
    Post count: 17

    Thanks for the quick reply. I’ve extracted the new files and saved them in the local copy of that folder, but I am unable to put the new files to the remote server (using Dreamweaver CS6 as FTP client).

    I also tried to delete the original versions of those files from the remote server with no success.

    I’m guessing the problem is with file permissions, I’m unable to change the permissions on the geodir_location_manager folder via Dreamweaver.

    Any suggestions?

    in reply to: Location switcher and bad URLs #10213

    Brett Matthews
    Post count: 17

    Thanks Guust.

    in reply to: Location switcher and bad URLs #10181

    Brett Matthews
    Post count: 17
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Auto Update to v1.0.8 failed. Can't download manually. #10177

    Brett Matthews
    Post count: 17

    Thanks Paolo, that’s what I needed to know. I’ve installed v1.0.8, but unfortunately it didn’t solve the problem I’m having, which appears to be the same problem with URLs that justjim has reported.

    I’ve started a separate thread.

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