sathish kumar

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  • sathish kumar
    Expired Member
    Post count: 4

    Guys, It did not work. I did not add too many records into the directory. Just used your sample data populating tool to add and even the categories were ur sample categories. But when I created a new place under a specific category called “Festivals” and then when I chose the “Restaurants” option from the links on the top of the page, it shows all the restaurants as populated by your sample data. Now, when I search using keywords and type the name of a place that I created and that is not assigned to the “Restaurants” category , the site forgets about the category filter and searches for the name and lists it.

    When I search by restaurants, the URL is “”
    When I search by festivals, the URL is “”
    When I search by restaurants and they type keyword “pvsat” for searching, the URL changes to “”

    The URL must remain as “”
    when I click the search button. I tried to manually change the URL to the above one and the result is fine, i.e it is not able to find PVSAT under the places/restaurants. But your search button is somehow hardcoded to forget the category selection. Guess it is a bug or I must be knowing some setting to be enabled / disabled somewhere..

    in reply to: GP User Login edit password option #193423

    sathish kumar
    Expired Member
    Post count: 4

    Yes, Buddy press works. The enabling of admin area access to users option as mentioned in the post works good and exposes only the profile section of the member, but I felt buddy press was even better as it offers more options and scope to expand in future as my site might need such a feature. So, I ended up discovering about buddypress thru this post. Thanks guys. I am amazed at the kind of dev team WPGEODIRECTORY is having for quick responses. So, problem solved with BuddyPress plugin.

    in reply to: GP User Login edit password option #192923

    sathish kumar
    Expired Member
    Post count: 4

    Oh no, that will expose them to the wp-admin portal which I do not want to do. I want them to be just users of the site, add posts etc like they do on say FB or any other classifieds portals but not see my admin area.. I may even delete the wp-admin folder altogether when I go live and keep it only on my local machine and connect to the remote MySQL Server in the hosted server.. I will try adding the widget as suggested earlier and also try the buddy press as I need that kind of profile page etc for my users to add more info about themselves to be searchable by the audience

    in reply to: Search By Custom Type Not Working #139266

    sathish kumar
    Expired Member
    Post count: 4

    Thanks mate. I will try do this. Appreciate the instant help. I bought your plugins without testing anything and just going thru ur support forum and the quick responses i found there for various topics ( Whether i understood what it was is a different matter!!)

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