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  • in reply to: Show/No Show Not Working #1586

    Free User
    Post count: 5

    Any update on this?

    —-The following has its own thread now——
    I tried to work around this problem by setting the “show no where” option and that breaks the directory completely. The “show no where” should be removed and the show on listing and preview pages yes/no fixed.
    —-The following has its own thread now——

    in reply to: Select City not Default Option! #1379

    Free User
    Post count: 5

    The problem is that by default it is showing the default city. Therefore, the user will have to click on the drop down arrow and choose select city or start typing. Some users will not do this and they will be given the wrong city designation. Other users will get confused when they do not see their city on the list. Not to mention, this adds extra clicks that users do not want.

    Leaving this field blank will prompt them to start typing their city, and then the plugin can recommend one that is there already or create a new one. This would prevent confusion and errors.

    In the end, you can develop the plugin as you see fit. I do not want to be a pain in the arce. I just want to provide some feedback that I know will make this plugin great!

    Kind regards.

    in reply to: Adding a listing Problem #1354

    Free User
    Post count: 5

    If I change the name of the post-type “Place,” in the custom post-type plugin, will I have to edit any php files?


    in reply to: Search Form: Can't bypass "Place" #1344

    Free User
    Post count: 5

    Will it be possible to select a default post_type for the search field in the next revision of the plugin?

    I only want to know if that is coming. In the end, I might have to adapt my needs to the limitations of the plugin.


    in reply to: Adding a listing Problem #1319

    Free User
    Post count: 5

    My listing error must have something to do with the options I did not setup properly within the Design > Navigation admin area. Thanks for helping me with that.

    Just 2 minor points:

    1. Can we hide the “Place” default post type from the search?
    2. Can we have the query search by hitting enter in the “near” input field rather than having to click on “Search?”


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