George Nicolae
Forum Replies Created
I’m not too familiar with actions …etc. This helped me a lot as I wanted to achieve the same thing. But is there any way I can wrap those in UL and LI?
I noticed only Main Navigation Settings > Show location switcher in menu
Used your suggestion added that to the menu. Right now, on the newly addeed menu I don’t have dropdowns working but after fixing those, everything should be ok, I guess.
I didn’t managed to make a pop-up or a dropdown that worked but I added another menu position after the site logo. Unfortunatelly checked GD settings and I only have the option to show location switcher in the main menu only.
Well I thinked of something, on how to do it. First of all I was using the wrong shortcode. Needed this one [gd_location_tab_switcher] and used the other one.
I want to keep it on the ehader, not the top menu because the header sticks to the top on scrolling and it will be always visible to the user. A while ago I found a tutorial on how to make a link with popup but I forgot the link 🙁
Tried the shortcode in a post and with do_shortcode to add it in the header( layers uses action hooks and stuff) and it looks like this
Despite the fact it doesn’t work, conflicting maybe with something… I was hoping to get the link as in the menu so I could click on it and get the dropdown.
Thank you. That was the problem. 🙂
Well, done! 99% translated minus one string “Reapeater Field” as I don’t know exacly what it reffers to and didn’t found it in the admin.
I hope it’s all good to get my reward and I’ll keep my eye to update the translations everytime something changes or something new gets added.
Well nevermind. I translated the Romanian language and right now It’s tested on my site and I’ve copied the translations untill 27%. Tomorow I’ll finish up to 99%.
And if the offer is still valid, one year subscription looks promising. 🙂
Ok, I fixed the issue imediatly. But I had to make some translation changes after I uploaded the translation on my site, for some sentences to sound correct.
Now, my translation is poedit format( .po) I use for my site. How do I submit the translation? Do I have to enter the sentences on transifex one by one?
Ok. Thank you. I’ll uipload it if I can pass this error that doesn’t let me to save it the last time on poedit.
msgfmt: foud 2 fatal errors
geodirectory-ro_RO.po:4278:97:invalid control sequence
geodirectory-ro_RO.po:4278:127:invalid control sequenceBasically I translate my language and how do I submit it?
The offer is still valid? Do you accept new translations? I’m trying to set up Geodirectory in my own language and it’s only 8% translated.