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  • in reply to: No "Business Owner/Associate?" question for paid plan #364280

    Post count: 87

    Hi thank you so much Stofian 🙂

    I just tried it : it works perfectly for the form

    but I have created a new place, and then signing in with another user

    The “Business owner ?” button still appears in the listing page :/

    When I click on it I’m redirected to the sign in page (screenshot)

    Is there a way to hide that button by CSS, only for the packages selected in the fonction you sent me ?

    in reply to: No "Business Owner/Associate?" question for paid plan #363938

    Post count: 87

    Hey Guust

    Thanks for your fast answer

    It’s a bit annoying 😔

    Do you think it’s going to be a possible (and easy) customisation for a third party developper ?

    Post count: 87

    Ok no problem, I will ask them.


    Post count: 87

    Oh yes of course !! thanks Guust

    I have another question related to that :

    I’m using the plugin Members to set up the capabilities of each roles but nothing is related to Geodirectory custom post types in the capabilities

    I have to choose between giving access at all the post types or nothing

    Is there a way to allow 1 role to access at the Geodirectory post types and another one only the other post types ?

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    in reply to: 404 error for country links #361024

    Post count: 87

    Hi Kiran

    Ok I have translated my continent pages independently and everything works perfectly now 🙂

    I hope you are going to find an easy way to translate country slug soon, that’s an important point for all users using Geodirectroy for Multilingual websites …

    I’m confident, I know the Geodirectory team is working very hard to provide us the best directory plugin 👍

    Thank you very much for your help !


    in reply to: 404 error for country links #358788

    Post count: 87

    Ok got it ! And thanks for updated again ! 🙂

    So if I’m not wrong, “Translate Countries” in “Multi Location” are not useful if I keep English as primary language ?

    Just a thought : For the SEO, If a French person asks google for “Kitesurfing Espagne”

    Isn’t it a bad point to have “spain” in the slug instead of “espagne” ?

    Last point :

    I have translated my page “Africa” (the page where I have all my African country links) with WPML string translation

    In my English page, all my country links look like that :

    To have it working in the French pages I translated it like that : (If I go to that page I have the result expected)

    But then, when I visit my French page, and tick my country link, I’m redirected on the English result and the link looks like that :

    To avoid this problem I can translate my continent pages independently, but I truely prefer keeping all my pages as English page duplicates and translate everything with WPML string translation. Less confusing and faster !

    Thanks again for your Help …

    in reply to: Conflict with plugin Geo targeting #357576

    Post count: 87

    I have some other snippets yes, I was pretty sure it was that one, just wanted the confirmation

    I sent you that screenshot because you did something related to that plugin (I know it’s not yours 😉) Everything works well so shouldn’t be very important anyway …

    Thanks a lot for your great job


    in reply to: 404 error for country links #357574

    Post count: 87

    Hi Kiran,

    I have seen You fixed the problem for the English country slugs, and worked well so far

    But because it wasn’t translated in French I have tried to update the country translations in multi location (I know the countries are already translated in my po. mo. files)

    But the result wasn’t what I expected ! The countries haven’t been translated and the -1 came back for all the English country slugs 😔

    I’m so sorry for that …

    Do you have an idea why it happened ?

    How can I fixe the English country slugs ?

    How can I have my French country names and slugs translated ?



    in reply to: 404 error for country links #356854

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    in reply to: Sao tome and Principe, South Sudan and Reunion Island #356670

    Post count: 87

    Thanks Stiofan, I will use this new tool at the next version.

    in reply to: Conflict with plugin Geo targeting #356636

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    in reply to: 404 error for country links #356633

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    in reply to: 404 error for country links #356162

    Post count: 87

    Hi Guust

    I have spent time to understand my 404 error page problem I explained on the post above :

    First of all I have noticed I’m redirected to the 404 only when the slug of the country is “” and not when it’s a country with the slug ending with -1 (in that case I’m redirected to

    1/ :

    I have the 404 problem only because when I’m in the country listing result (English) and I click on the French flag, the address in my browser search bar is : and it should be :

    Can I add the missing ” / ” by myself or is it a Geodirectory / WPML bug ?

    2/ :

    I have no idea why in that case I’m redirected to the French home page but I don’t really want to figure it out because I would like to get rid of the -1 from my country slugs because it’s too much confusing

    Do you know how can I find the original slug “thailand” and delete it ?
    When I have done it, How can I delete the -1 of the country slug ?

    3/ About the translation that’s my last issue, in the frontend except that problem, everything is working as it should be. But in the backend, in multi location I have tried to translate the countries as explained but in my Geodirectory core Po. file the countries are already translated so I don’t think I have to change it.
    But when I click on “multilocation > Translate countries > update” nothing happen, the French names and slugs are still the same than English

    As everything works well in the frontend is not a big problem for me but for the SEO it would be so much better if I find out how to translate it …

    Thanks again for your precious advices 🙂

    in reply to: Conflict with plugin Geo targeting #356151

    Post count: 87

    Hi Stofian

    I’m sorry but the problem is still here 🙁

    Doe’s the snippet you created is : Fix chosen ?

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