Forum Replies Created
Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 169 total)
Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 169 total)
I understand. Looking forward to it. Thanks again.
Is it possible to freeze my account until the Job Theme is ready, that
is the reason I purchased. I guess there was some miscommunicaiton.
So, is there an estimate. JUst a guess. Would it be this summer?
This fall? Winter? or was there a change of mind?
Please answer.
Please. Just an estimate. I was told it was going to
be released in April. That’s one of the reasons
I updated my membership.
This way I can either put my plans to rest
or wait?
Will do. Thanks Guust.
Can I use Suprmeme Theme for a job listings page, then move it over
to the Jobby Theme. How do I use dates for jobs in Supreme Directory.
Thanks again,
Works like a charm. many thanks.
Also, why delete my caching plugin. I’m using the Siteground caching plugin. Do you recommend GD Booster plugin?
Sorry, I don’t know how to do that? It happened once before, and they
we’re able to fix it.
Thanks for the response. Looking forward to it.
Everything is working fine now. Thanks. Cory
Sorry, but I cannot copy and paste my license info. I can do it for the site you changed, but not for my subdomain.
I just checked my site. How did you do that? I wasn’t able to update my subscription?
I mean, I already tried to update my licenses, and they would not update.
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