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  • in reply to: Pinpoint – cannot see map clearly #378702

    Expired Member
    Post count: 55

    Please look at the screenshot in help12a.jpg above.

    A user clicks “pinpoint” and the map bubble totally blocks out the map so a user can’t see where the pin is! So you have a function that doesn’t work, and you now say its not an issue. That is not a custom request. Its functionality that doesn’t work.

    in reply to: Event Issues #378701

    Expired Member
    Post count: 55

    1. “By using the same name as the linked business name –
    Francis: Sorry, I really don’t understand. Are you saying this some kind of built in function, or workarond to resolve this issue? A user creates an event, and then wants to link it to a pre-existing business by selecting it. People viewing the event, want to see what venue the event is at, and the Event Map Bubble doesn’t do this. An event creator isn’t going to manually create an event “By using the same name as the linked business name”!

    2. You can hide end dates with CSS, this is the class geodir_schedule_end
    Francis: I’ll try, thanks. But a very poor workaround, and restrictive, that you CANNOT show the legnth of the event from your suggestion.

    3. Same for the bubble, see image.

    4. That will require a customization which is outside support.
    Francis – Clearly an extremely basic module.

    I’m slowing realizing the “event” module is a relatively basic part of the GeoDirectory and is poor needing workarounds and lots of CSS coding.

    My problem now is that event integration with business was THE single reason for choosing a product.

    in reply to: Listing Claims – Custom Post Types #374886

    Expired Member
    Post count: 55

    Thanks Guust. It would be helpful when replying to user queries to additionally be clear when something can’t done as requested or if you are proposing some other workaround.

    in reply to: Linking events to places #374880

    Expired Member
    Post count: 55

    Thanks Guust, I can now see how it works, and the instructions are much clearer. However, the system functionality is far from satisfactory:-

    When a user creates a new event or edits their event, and clicks “Fill in Business Details” as well as filling in the address details, we have the following undesired (and unexpected changes) too:

    i) Event Title field is OVERWRITTEN as as the business details
    ii) Event Description field OVERWRITTEN as the business details
    iii) Tag Keywords are OVERWRITTEN as the business details

    Ideally we don’t want “Payments Manager” needed to be activated for this event-linking function. But, having the “Fill in Business Details” always do i, ii and iii is totally unacceptable.

    Can there be an option at:
    GD > Design > Detail > Linked events settings
    …so the Event fields: “Event Title”, “Event Description”, and the event’s “Tag Keywords” are not always OVERWRITTEN and pre-populated?

    This Event-linking is a critical feature we need in our directory, so really hope something can done.


    in reply to: Listing bubble – title truncated #374876

    Expired Member
    Post count: 55

    Guust, where you are looking, yep, working really well! Sorry, my fault not making the issue clearer.

    On the map info bubbles (on the main map) we still have the same issue… see attached.

    Is there a similar code for these map info bubbles?


    in reply to: Remove the “Near” Search Function #374873

    Expired Member
    Post count: 55

    Guust, spot on, thank you. Many thanks.

    First impressions, this CSS code looks to work aok on our (current) DIVI theme.

    What knock on impact/ coding do you think we should look out for, so I can check if other coding needed?


    in reply to: Listing Claims – Custom Post Types #374872

    Expired Member
    Post count: 55

    Guust, I don’t think you understood my support ticket clearly.

    We don’t want to globally change “Business Owner?” to some other text. We only need the text changed for the CPT. When creating each CPT already, there is dedicated form for defining each of CPT terms, why not for “Claim Listing” text too?

    If “Claim Listing” text cannot be set for each CPT, please can this be requested for a fix, as presently the “Claim Listing” feature is not designed to be used in a diverse directory.


    in reply to: Pinpoint – cannot see map clearly #374868

    Expired Member
    Post count: 55

    Guust, thanks for the heads up this can’t be done in the current release.

    Hovering over any part of the listing causes the “right side bar map” icon to animate, **already**. So hovering over the “pinpoint” is not something anyone would additionally need or think to do.

    Clicking “pinpoint” is meant to show clearly where a listing is on “right side bar map”… but the current functionality means the automatically expanded map bubble obscures this on “right side bar map”! Plus, if you then click the “x” (to minumise the icon) the icon is generally been pushed to the bottom of the map, causing more annoyance to the user trying to see the exact location/pinpoint of the listing on the map!

    This “pinpoint” feature is basic functionality that basically doesn’t work well. We need clicking “pinpoint” to centre the listing on the “right side bar map” (and *not* automatically expand the map bubble).

    I hope issue this can be considered for a fix very soon. Please can this be put forward for a fix or workaround.


    in reply to: Suggestion – Minimise Category Filters #374867

    Expired Member
    Post count: 55

    Guust, good to see how things can be tweaked. But, a fixed CCS code position won’t work ok across most devices: mobile, tablet, PCs and automatically adjust to different size of category listing for CTP.

    However, had some promising results with the following (for fixed bottom right location) but needs a lot more testing:

    .gd-trigger {
    bottom: 0px;
    margin-right: 0 !important;

    The reason for suggesting this icon should be on the top of the dialog box is so its

    a) Easy to sport and intuitive to the user
    b) Optimised and tested by wpgeodirectory to be reliable across devices.

    Would welcome if the original suggestion could be considered for a future release, but appreciate it’s not a priority.


    in reply to: Pinpoint – cannot see map clearly #374864

    Expired Member
    Post count: 55

    Hi, Guust, sorry my fault, I’ve not made our request clear. We do *not* want the map info bubble to appear when you click the “pinpoint” link. It’s proving confusing and annoying with people we’ve testing the current set up with.

    We want users to click “pinpoint”, and the marker to move (Clearly) to the centre of the right side bar (pinpoint) map, and for the map marker to animate.

    We want users to select “pinpoint” to see the “pinpoint” of the listing, shown clearly exactly where the address is locally.. and not to automatically expand the map marker bubble on the “right side bar map” that obscures its location.

    If users want to expand the map marker bubble on the “right side bar map” they can click the marker. We don’t want the map marker bubble on the “right side bar map” to automatically expand when uses click “pinpoint”.


    in reply to: Suggestion – Minimise Category Filters #374816

    Expired Member
    Post count: 55

    Apologies, you have this functionality, but it is very hard to see and not intuitive, with the minimise button at the bottom left of the dialog box.

    I can change colour:

    Make clearer the minimise marker

    .gd-trigger .fa-expand, .gd-trigger .fa-compress {
    color: navy;
    font-weight: Bold;
    text-shadow: 4px 2px 7px #262626;

    But… can how can we relocate the minimise marker to be in the top of the dialog box?


    in reply to: Listing bubble – title truncated #374799

    Expired Member
    Post count: 55
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Menu Listings not showing on Themes #374796

    Expired Member
    Post count: 55

    Thanks Paolo, that’s very helpful. Thank you.

    in reply to: Linking events to places #374790

    Expired Member
    Post count: 55

    I’ve update GD, but can’t get this too work.

    Can this option work without ‘Payments Manager’ installed?

    I’ve with ‘Payments Manager’ installed and not installed, and makes no difference.

    Please can you explain how this option is turned on, as its not clear in these instructions


    in reply to: Disable Automatic Slide Show #374781

    Expired Member
    Post count: 55

    Top marks. Works perfectly, thank you.

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