David Sirius

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  • in reply to: Basic questions to understand Claim Listing functionality #413892

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    i) Hahah Guust!! So basically I moron added the ‘Login’ link at some point? I thought it came out of the box like that. Apologies if it doesnt!

    ii) Great, that’s what i did now. Just struggling to connect the GD registration with UsersWP, but I have opened a separat topic over at UsersWP.

    Thanks for clarifying everything!


    in reply to: Rearranging details page #413823

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    (Needed to post screenshots separately as I can’t upload files from the office)

    in reply to: Rearranging details page #413821

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    Hi Stiofan,

    That would be fantastic. I have actually already spent some thought on this, as I was considering adding it to the list of outsourced customisations to developers (until your message just now).

    So the extent helpful, I have taken bit of time to outline my thoughts (see also screenshots):

    1) show thumbnails on right hand side (same place where they are currently when the photos tab is removed in settings). The thumbnails on RHS which are max 6 (if I recall correctly) should reflect images from place owner and only be filled with user pictures if owner pictures is < 6 images (i.e. to avoid gaps)

    a. Alternatively, I have thought of having an automatic image slider, replacing the 6 thumbnails on RGHS, that makes the details page more active. The images would slide through images from a) place owners and then b) from users. However, I’m not sure how complex this is and how it would affect page speed / SEO.

    b. Ideally, it would state somewhere the number of pictures. If the thumbnail slider is used, its always one picture after the other shown, so the text would be laid over that picture.

    2) If user click on any of the thumbnail / or image slider, a thumbnail overview opens centrally on the page. This overview should:

    a. Comprise first all ‘place owner’ thumbnails followed by thumbnail images from users

    b. Have 3 tabs at the tab comprising ‘All’ (which is the first you see when opening this overview), ‘Place owners/Management’, ‘User’

    3) If visitors click on any thumbnail (within any of the three tabs)

    a. the picture should load and replace the overview. However, the window should have fixed dimensions (width+height as the overview), because at the moment it adjusts to the image size and you always have to click somewhere else to move to the next picture. Users should be able to just set a relative max size

    b. at the bottom of the image shown there should be a horizontal thumbnail row, highlighting the actively shown image above

    4) The user reviews in the review section should show small thumbnails below the review text (ideally make this optional in settings). At the moment it says only that x pictures were added with a respective review.

    Keen to hear your thoughts.


    in reply to: Translation details page #413702

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    I tested it only on my localhost, hence it seemed empty on the webhost. I have now updated and the related listing translation is working. I noticed that with the update it wiped out my customised css files (which luckily i backed up before updating). Is there any way to see what has been changed with evey update so users can evalaute whether they want to update? In wordpress I clicked on the both themes and then on developer log, but I only got a blank page..

    Great, would be very helpful if the developers could come back on the translation of the image navigation and the 1 Review / % Reviews.

    Many thanks

    in reply to: Basic questions to understand Claim Listing functionality #413700

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    Guust! All of these answers are crystal clear and most helpful as always from you!

    Two follow-up question:
    i) On the screenshot, what is the benefit of having “Login” and “My Account” both in the Menu. When I click on Login I get to a Login page and when I click on My Account a small neat login box opens up. Wouldnt it be sufficient to just have the My Account -> Login Box, or am I missing something?

    ii) re business owners login who want to claim a listing, they could also just register via the social login plugin from UserWP, which I understand is the recommend social login plugin to use?

    Many thanks

    in reply to: Basic questions to understand Claim Listing functionality #413683

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    Hi Guust,

    Thank you very much for your answers!

    #1 I understand with the ‘Claim Listing’ add-on customers (= that are charged) can claim their listing and manage it once approved, however how will they manage their listing, i.e. will they login on the site or need WP access?
    All registered users on your site can claim a listing, they do not need to be “charged”.
    Use the GD Loginbox widget to give them access to their listings, and to login or register.

    The ‘charging’ not being required is understood, but I would only like to give access to their listing against payment. I believe this can be done with the pricing manager add-on – please let me know if not.

    Your answer is helpful in understanding that they will then just login via the login form on the website (screenshot attached), clear!
    #1.1: is this actually the whole and only purpose of the registration feature of GD, i.e. for business owners to login? I actually fail to comprehend what the benefit of it otherwise is unless it would allow registered user to submit multiple ratings without entering name + e-mail everyt time?
    #1.2: I assume I can assign each registered user just specific listings they can edit? Otherwise how would one prevent users to edit other places, especially when they are competitors like in most cases?

    #4 Most importantly, I want only customers and not visitors to be able to comment on ratings however customers should not be able to delete any ratings without my admin approval. Is this easily possible? If not how could this be achieved
    You can set it so only registered users can comment. Owners of listings have no access to ratings or comments made by other people.

    Okay great.
    #4.1: Could you give me guidance where I can find the option?
    #4.2: Same as per above, I assume only the registered person that is assigned a specific listing can then comment? You wouldnt want owners / listing claimers to comment on other pages.

    #6 To the extent anyting of the above is currently not out-of-box possible, will any be solved in v2?
    There should be no difference to any of the answers to the above when V2 becomes available.

    Understand. So if was to hire a developper for example for the ticketing (but also other things), the custom codes would continue to work in V2?

    Vielen Dank!

    in reply to: Question on visitor registration #413681

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    Hi Alex,

    Thank you for your answers.

    #1: I understand GD has a registration functionality for visitors. However, what is actually the purpose of this / benefit given that place ratings can be made also with user’s Name + E-Mail?

    #1A The purpose is to require that a user submit a name and email to be associated with the rating.

    I think you missunderstood my question, it was not in relation to the benefit of having Name+E-Mail with the rating, but the purpose / benefit of the registration (see screenshot). Also, when I click on ‘Register’ I get to the same page as when I click on ‘Login’, i.e. just a login form but not to register. I dont understand (a) the whole concept of the registration (what does it do for registered users) and I couldnt find information anywhere, and (b) why users cant register when it says registration.

    #3 Would it be possible to waive this rating e-amil verification if a user has logged in via facebook?

    Social login registration does not bypass registration; it may be easier for users who are familiar with it, though, and could be seen as a positive feature for users who make use of it on other sites.

    Just to avoid any missunderstanding, I’d like to have simply the functionality as on the forum here (= users can login with a click on the facebook icon) and then they can complete their rating of the place instead of providing their name and e-mail manually with each rating.


    in reply to: Translation details page #413680

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Rearranging details page #413638

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    Parking the problem that removing and adding functions doesnt work for moving content on the details page – I have one more question: I noticed that pictures are uploaded by users in their reviews dont become pooled? I presumed they would be naturally added to the images of the page (right hand side) and visitors could then browse through categories of pictures by user or management pictures like on tripadvisor. As it is now visitors have to go through reviews to find images, and even then they are not display unless one clicks on a link.

    Could anyone help how to accomplish this?

    in reply to: Rearranging details page #413625

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    Understood, just thought there may be something already available. Quite frustrating, I’ll see how I’ll go about it.

    I take comfort from your statement that this will likely be possible v2, so I’ll have to wait until then. I’d much appreciate if you could let me know once you have more certainty whether this will or will not become available via v2.


    in reply to: Translation details page #413609

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163


    That was very helpful, I could translate most. Howevere, there were 2 that didnt change:

    % Reviews: no change
    Related Listings: no change

    Both are in the geodirectory plugin language file (i.e. not in theme or multirating). However, when I enter a translation it has no effect.

    Also I couldnt find the source text for the navigating on the images (see screenshot):

    Images x of x

    Would you have any solution for these?


    in reply to: Price range slider #413608

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    I’d be interested too! I find it most useful on tripadvisor. If not available, perhaps something for V2?

    in reply to: Rearranging details page #413597

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Limitations of custom fields in advanced search #413596

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    Hi Kiran

    I dont know how you did it, but the error is gone now! I was able to add all custom fields to the advanced search now! THANK YOU!! Really helpful and appreciated!

    With regards to the custom fields not showing on the search page, I noticed that somehow the attribute of where they should be displayed (listing page) was gone. It may have been caused by the upload from localhost to webhost or by the amendments in the database. In any case, I just readded the display to be listing page on all 47custom fields and it’s all back now on the search page.


    in reply to: Translation details page #413441

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    Hahaa Guust, I like the German skills you’re showing off! 🙂

    Thanks, that makes sense, I’ll have a look and tackle it from there!

    Vielen Dank!

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