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  • in reply to: Avada Child Theme for GD 1.0 released #8744

    Post count: 68

    Thanks Paolo! That search thing really looked messed up…

    Also, will your fixes make the buttons that were on the search look better? I mean they currently look like old standard form buttons for search and custom search right now. I see in other themes they look more modern like bootstrap buttons.

    in reply to: Avada Child Theme for GD 1.0 released #8689

    Post count: 68

    @semperteneo: On the Design section / Home Tab:
    Make sure that the “Home top section” “Show the top section of home page” is checked. If not, the map will not display.

    Hope that helps!

    in reply to: Avada Child Theme for GD 1.0 released #8597

    Post count: 68

    ok, found one more thing that looks really bad in this theme.

    The top search bar does not resize correctly at all. Unless the window is at full maximized, anything shorter in width just progressively makes it worse and cuts of words in both the left drop down and the right buttons.

    This also looks really bad using my android phone.

    Please also note that the search widget cannot be placed in a sidebar either since it does not resize small… If you want to see exactly what the search bar looks like on my android phone, put the search widget on a sidebar and it is what it looks like for cutting everything off.


    in reply to: Avada Child Theme for GD 1.0 released #8547

    Post count: 68

    Thanks John, You Rock! 🙂

    Now the only other couple items I have found are:

    1… Setting the widget (GD>Popular Post View) for the right sidebar to “List View” instead of a gridview totally is messed up for the display. I wanted to use this as my right side bar width is too small for multiple grid displays, even if set to 2. See attached

    Which brings up another question… I would like to make the right sidebar wider but every setting I have tried does nothing.

    2… The location changer at the top has the y in “country” cut off. See attachment…


    in reply to: Avada Child Theme for GD 1.0 released #8533

    Post count: 68

    Hi John,
    ok, stupid question I guess… What do you mean by “did you set the width to 100% in the widget?”… I am using the simple link of /location that shows the map. Where is the setting for 100% ?


    in reply to: Avada Child Theme for GD 1.0 released #8525

    Post count: 68


    Forgot to mention…

    The Problem with listings when browser window is sized to smallest width and when viewing in android phones…

    Only happens when the settings are set to List View. Does not happen in grid modes.

    in reply to: Avada Child Theme for GD 1.0 released #8524

    Post count: 68

    Hi John,

    Can you please try and fix the problems I listed on the previous page?

    i.e. (Problem with listings when browser window is sized to smallest width and when viewing in android phones.) and blank area (Problem with map displayed on /location page).

    I am testing using my Macbook Pro using Chrome and Safari receiving the same results. I just checked with my wifes laptop running windows with chrome and same exact results.

    Thanks John!

    in reply to: Avada Child Theme for GD 1.0 released #8482

    Post count: 68

    Problem with map displayed on /location page…

    The map width seems to be maxed out at 940px. When a browser window is wider than this, the maps width does not change and end up with a blank area on the right hand side.

    See attached…

    in reply to: Avada Child Theme for GD 1.0 released #8474

    Post count: 68

    Problem with listings when browser window is sized to smallest width and when viewing in android phones. The listing picture is resized to a non viewable size. See attached!

    NOTE: Same result in Chrome and Safari. Looks really bad on android phone.

    in reply to: Avada Child Theme for GD 1.0 released #8460

    Post count: 68

    Everything ok now… Map is showing on /location page. I just did not have the checkboxes checked correctly in settings page.

    Thanks for the help!

    in reply to: Avada Child Theme for GD 1.0 released #8444

    Post count: 68

    I just installed your latest child theme release for Avada (1.01). I also use a different home page. When use the link “http://MySite/location it returns no map in the content area. Am I missing some setting or has this not yet been fixed in this latest release?


    in reply to: Blog replaces home page with our blog #8083

    Post count: 68

    Hello Vikas,

    We have not found any email from you with the fixed plugin files. Did you remember to send us the zip file?

    Thanks again!

    in reply to: Blog replaces home page with our blog #7804

    Post count: 68
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Blog replaces home page with our blog #7744

    Post count: 68

    Is this going to be fixed? I need to use my own home page with GD. NOT latest posts page for my home page.

    I found that everything with GD and my own home page works fine except when I activate this location plugin and then it forces my home page to be blog posts instead of the page I have set in my settings for my home page.

    PLEASE provide a fix for this or let me know where the code block is in this plugin that is overriding my settings.

    thanks much!

    in reply to: template compatibility / shortcodes #7556

    Post count: 68

    Excellent Stiofan!

    I am hoping that this will be completed by end of week and have credit card in hand ready to purchase. 🙂

    Thank You,


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