Ed Shoemaker

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  • Ed Shoemaker
    Post count: 11
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    Ed Shoemaker
    Post count: 11

    Here’s a couple of additional screenshots that I missed on the last message.

    Ed Shoemaker
    Post count: 11

    The primary purpose of the site is to provide listings of bicycle routes (mountain bike and road bike) to site users. On the individual listings pages for the bicycle routes, we are using the WP GPX Map plugin (https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-gpx-maps/) to present the route map. We have modified the listing page to present the route map at the top of the listing page.

    Current workflow requires (2 Step):
    1) Create Listing – When a listing is added via the Add Listing page, the GPX File Name is manually entered by user into a Custom Text Field (example file name “bike_route_map.gpx”)
    2) Upload GPX File – Separately, the .gpx map must be added to WP GPX Map plugin via WordPress Admin in the WP GPX Settings page, selecting the file “bike_route_map.gpx” and uploading it.
    3) After to two steps above have been completed and assuming the file name references match for both steps, the GPX route data is presented in a map on certain listing pages.

    Comment: This workflow requires two separate actions to support the publishing of the .gpx file-based route map/data on the certain listing pages. We desire a more streamlined workflow that does not require someone with WP-Admin access to manually upload the .gpx file into the WP GPX Map plugin.

    Desired workflow (1 Step):
    1) Create Listing – When adding a new listing that will include a .gpx map file, the user would upload the “bike_route_map.gpx” file via a Custom File Upload Field
    2) Upon Submitting the listing, the .gpx file is automatically saved or moved to the native .gpx file directory (/wp-content/uploads/gpx)
    3) We will have to modify our custom code to to reference the name of the .gpx file that has been uploaded

    Describing this in the abstract is a little challenging for me, so to help you get a better idea of what we’re talking about here, I will provide url and access credentials to the current dev site via a private message to follow. We apologize in advance for the messy appearance as we are in early stages of development. Additionally, we are primarily site builders with reasonable html and css skills, but are fairly “php-challenged”… 😉

    Thanks again for your consideration in helping us out with this. We really love GeoDirectory and the great support that you folks offer.

    in reply to: Filtered Search Result – Widget Conflict #128470

    Ed Shoemaker
    Post count: 11

    Hi Stiofan,

    It’s working perfectly! Can’t say enough good things about your how quickly and effectively you resolved this issue.

    Many thanks for the great work!


    in reply to: Filtered Search Result – Widget Conflict #128349

    Ed Shoemaker
    Post count: 11

    Thanks for the very quick turnaround on this issue.

    Unfortunately, the filter is no longer working. It is returning all records in the search results no matter what is selected in the filter.

    For example, the “Electric Vehicle Charging Station” filter item has only one record with this multi-select checkbox enabled (the George Washington Inn), but when it is selected – all records are returned. Additionally, there are no records with “Guest Microwave” enabled, but all records are being returned. I checked various additional combinations of filter selections and in all cases, all records are being returned in the search results.

    Any chance you can have another look at this for me?

    Thanks in advance for you help. We really appreciate your great response times on my issue.

    P.S. As an additional request, can you give me the specific file or files that are being modified so that I can implement them in my child theme (something I have yet to do in dev)? Thanks.

    in reply to: Filtered Search Result – Widget Conflict #127697

    Ed Shoemaker
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    in reply to: Filtered Search Result – Widget Conflict #127693

    Ed Shoemaker
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    in reply to: Filtered Search Result – Widget Conflict #127364

    Ed Shoemaker
    Post count: 11
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    in reply to: Filtered Search Result – Widget Conflict #127361

    Ed Shoemaker
    Post count: 11

    Mislabeled the image references in the original post.

    Correction –

    Attached are 2 images for your reference:
    1) Unfiltered Result Where Widgets Appear as Intended -geodirectory-unfiltered-results-good.jpg
    2) Filtered Result Where Widgets Certain Widgets Disappear – geodirectory-filtered-results-bad.jpg

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