Bruce Frantzis

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  • Bruce Frantzis
    Full Member
    Post count: 30

    Thanks for the quick confirmation Alex. Good to know its not just our site.

    Bruce Frantzis
    Full Member
    Post count: 30
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Bruce Frantzis
    Full Member
    Post count: 30

    At this point I have everything working as I want it. I am not asking Geodirectory to change anything. I am simply trying to correct misinformation.

    Just to clear things up, we have always required an exact location, GPS to street.

    That is not true and has been stated many times by different GeoDirectory staff. Has anyone actually tested entering “Brighton, UK”? Both v1 and v2 allow entering an address like this that does not include the street. Do I have to make a video to show this before you will believe me? This is very simple to test.

    If it’s not showing that then its a bug

    I don’t know what you mean by “not showing” in this context. The address shows up on map when Street is omitted. The admin and user UI both work when Street is omitted. The only problem I had was with the City name being shown twice in the printed address when Street is omitted. In this case the Street should not be showing. I have fixed this with my code (in post above).

    We do have a feature that will fill the street with the best know info if somehow it is empty.

    This ‘feature’ does not work correctly as it is using the City value “Brighton” as the Street value when Street value is not entered. A more useful feature would be to allow admin to set Street as optional (as was previously allowed) and keep the Street value empty.

    At this point in time, we simply do not provide that functionality, an exact location is currently required (including street).

    You are so close to having this feature. All you need is the admin setting to make street optional as mentioned above.

    If you know of a directory currently mixes exact locations with non-exact locations please let us know.

    Our directory does this. Right now, as is, this is working sufficiently well. When Street is omitted the GPS coordinates are set to city center. The pin appears on maps and locations appear in search results when proximity searched. This does result in many pins appearing in same location but Google Maps handles this well enough.

    Many sites use imprecise GPS coordinates to protect end users. uses this in “For Sale” listings. e.g. If you are selling a car then you want customer to know roughly where it is but do not want them to know exact street address as malicious people may try to steal it. It looks like Craigslist just moves the exact position by a random distance (within a range e.g. 1000-3000 ft) in a random direction. They then change the map marker to a circular range rather than a point.

    Bruce Frantzis
    Full Member
    Post count: 30

    Your issue is not a bug but a special request.

    It is not a special request because this optional street address was a feature in v1 and is not in v2. That is a regression which is predominantly considered a bug. As I have stated multiple times, and which you continue to ignore, you can enter an address that does not have a Street in both v1 and v2.

    Either way the software has a bug. If the Street is mandatory then your UI has a bug in allowing an address without it. Otherwise, if not mandatory, then there is a bug with the software copying the City value into the Street field.

    therefore require a street address to get the correct latitude and longitude coordinates for the listing. If you do not use a street address, then all listings in the same city will normally all be located in exactly the same spot.

    Yes that is the point. Some businesses do not want their exact location known as that do not cater to walk in business. But prospective customers still need to know their rough location to know that they are nearby.

    We don’t provide customization services for them nor we support any 3rd Party customizations of our products.

    Again I am not asking you to customize anything. I am asking you to retain features between versions.

    Bruce Frantzis
    Full Member
    Post count: 30

    I have to say that I am disheartened by the level of support on this issue. Clearly anyone can enter an address without specifying a street. Clearly Street is not a required field in the database. There really is no reason why this should be mandatory. This is a problem introduced in code that limits functionality unnecessarily.

    I am also disappointed that no good solution was provided to fix this. In the end I had to debug the code and implement a fix. To save others the hassle of contacting support I provide it below:

    Add this to theme functions.php file:

    // Hide duplicate City text intriduced by bug in geodirectory.
    add_filter( 'geodir_custom_field_output_address_fields' , 'duplicate_city_address_filter');
    function duplicate_city_address_filter($address_fields) {
      if (!empty($address_fields['street']) && !empty($address_fields['city'])) {
        $street_raw = strip_tags($address_fields['street']);
        $city_raw = strip_tags($address_fields['city']);
        if ($street_raw == $city_raw) {
      return $address_fields;

    This code checks the saved values of ‘Street’ and ‘City’. If they are the same, which happens when ‘Street’ was not entered, then the ‘Street’ value is removed and will not be displayed. This does not alter any saved data and is applied whilst the page is being rendered.

    Bruce Frantzis
    Full Member
    Post count: 30

    Can I get a solution to my problem? This is stopping us from upgrading to GeoDirectory v2.

    Bruce Frantzis
    Full Member
    Post count: 30

    Found the setting in GeoDirectory v1. Note last form input in screenshot shows you can make it optional.

    Bruce Frantzis
    Full Member
    Post count: 30

    As I said before

    Geodirectory allow entry without street as in the example provided above.

    So how can it be required/mandatory? Can you enter “Brighton, UK” (without a street)? Or it this only happening on my site?

    However, you can place any value you want into the street field, and that is also not a bug.

    I cannot have “any value” in street because when I chose not to enter any value then Geodirectory code is inserting the City value. I do not want that. That is not how address entry works on any software I have used in my whole life. I don’t know how you can say “that is not a bug”. Name any other software that does this?

    The GD Post Address widget/shortcode/block only allows hiding the street address ALL OF THE TIME. I do not want that. I only want to hide the street IF it has not been entered.

    Can you show me how to do that?

    Bruce Frantzis
    Full Member
    Post count: 30

    address fields are mandatory, including the street address field

    – There is a setting in Geodirectory v1 to make Street optional. Cannot find this in v2.
    – Geodirectory v1 and v2 allow entry without street as in the example provided above.
    -The Street field in database allows empty values.

    This was working for us in v1 and we are having problems with it whilst testing v2. Are you saying that this has changed?

    the value retrieved from the API is left in place. It is not a bug.

    Are you saying that it’s normal practice to copy the city into the street, if street is empty, rather than displaying address without street? That certainly does not sound like normal practice and does sound like a bug to me.

    Are you using OSM?

    Probably not as I do not know what it is. Please can you provide more info?

    Either way, bug or not, how can I fix this in code when the underlying stored data is wrong? It needs to be fixed in a way that hides City from Street field, does not make address entry more difficult, and retains functionality for people who:

    – Do not enter street
    – Enter 1 street line
    – Enter 2 street lines

    Please provide code samples of how to fix it.

    EDIT – previous reply did not display unordered lists. Tried to fix and the post disapperead. Posting again using simple dashes for lists.

    Bruce Frantzis
    Full Member
    Post count: 30

    Thanks for the suggestions but these are both work around for a bug making data entry/automation more difficult, involve unnecessary customization, reducing flexibility, and not addressing the core problem that this does not work as expected.

    The template is working correctly and is only showing values that are stored in the database. I cannot customize the template to fix this as Geodirectory is saving “Brighton” to “street” field in the database. This is the bug. I cannot hide it because I do not know if it is valid data. This field should be empty if street is not provided – right?

    Adding a custom field will not work as it will not get auto populated by the validated address returned from Google. So people who want to share their street address will have to enter it twice and the second input is not validated.

    Many places already use 2 lines for Street; Street1 for mailing and Street2 for Apartment/Suite number. In UK many places have names which go in Street1 and mailing street in Street2. Adding another Street field would overly complicate things.

    So please confirm that this is a bug by testing the entry of

    Brighton, UK

    in the Geodirectory Admin UI and looking at database “street” field to see if “Brighton” is saved. If it is then I consider this a bug. If you do not think it a bug then please explain why not.


    Bruce Frantzis
    Full Member
    Post count: 30

    Ok we have determined that was an issue with the permalinks within GD. Reset them and they are working now. Thanks.

    Bruce Frantzis
    Full Member
    Post count: 30

    Hi Alex,

    Ok we are still discussing what to do about this. In the meantime, we have come across a rather large bug. As of today, none of the links to our instructors or categories currently work. For example, here is the first instructor listed:

    And the next:

    They just take us back to the homepage.

    Let me know if I need to start a new ticket for this new issue.

    Thank you in advance.

    Bruce Frantzis
    Full Member
    Post count: 30

    Hi Alex, I believe we have that implemented. For example, now if you start to type in “Wu Style” in the search bar, the categories with that name come up as suggestions below the search bar. Please see the screenshot attached.

    Bruce Frantzis
    Full Member
    Post count: 30

    Trying again to upload the screenshot…

    Bruce Frantzis
    Full Member
    Post count: 30

    Hi Alex,

    Here is the page with the Instructors.

    And the search bar is right below “Find an Energy Arts Instructor”


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