Gareth Vaughan

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  • in reply to: I don't understand this plug in #406985

    Gareth Vaughan
    Post count: 7

    That looks great, thank you.

    in reply to: I don't understand this plug in #406943

    Gareth Vaughan
    Post count: 7

    Thank you, I had missed that. I can see that it is limited to showing the information to tabs or sidebar. I have so much empty space under the main box, is it possible to add the information direct to the page without clicking a tab? See screen grab.

    I have 10 custom fields (dropdowns/checkboxes/text area) and I’d prefer to see all of the data in one page than on 10 separate tabs?

    Could this be done with custom shortcode in the ‘member’ custom post type, or could I amend the template in .php to show all the data and add to a child theme?

    in reply to: Split: gd home top section missing #406928

    Gareth Vaughan
    Post count: 7

    Thank you. I have amended the widget for ‘listing’ and added the map object and it now appears on my page. So, I assume from this that the permalink cannot be altered for GD Home, it is a fixed page name.

    in reply to: I don't understand this plug in #406925

    Gareth Vaughan
    Post count: 7

    I’ve setup a custom post type, it’s called ‘member’. I’ve added a series of drop downs, checkboxes etc such as ‘Member skills’.

    How do I get those items to display on the detail page of the member? All I see is the content from the standard WordPress editor area and the standard post type fields such as map. I don’t want to add shortcodes into every ‘member’ post, I would have thought I could add them in a main ‘detail’ page?


    in reply to: Cannot enter address #406279

    Gareth Vaughan
    Post count: 7

    I am getting the exact same problem, which is no surprise. What is the actual fix, I can’t see it on this forum?

    Can this plugin be used for all countries across the world or are we stuck with the location around a small area?

    I only have the free version of the plugin, do I need to buy the other addon ‘Location Manager’ to fix the issue?

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