giuseppe cuttone

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  • in reply to: Virtual Pages (places and events) are lost #38383

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Hi @paolo, thank’s for to resolve the problem.
    I don’t want disturb you for this error so, can you tell me where I must to go and where I must to do clic in order to re-save the permalink?
    Maybe I must go in GEODIRECTORY=>PERMALINK and click in SAVE CHAGES ?
    Is it enough?
    In addition is there a protocol basic of actions to do when there are similar problems?
    My intention is no contact you if the solution is only to do click in same options into the administration dashboard.

    Thank’s very much

    in reply to: Virtual Pages (places and events) are lost #38368

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    I haven’t removed those two plugin.
    I only have deactivated them, but the problem continue.
    The “places” page show an error, but the “event” page show a picture (it is very strange…)
    I can’t remove completely these plugins becouse I don’t have the PLUGIN’S FILE… If I remove them I need to get back in touch with the informatic in order to return to install them…
    If you tell me that I need remove them in order to study the compatibility… I will remove them… 🙁
    But if the deactivation is enough in order to comprove the compatibility, so my question is:
    What Do I need to do in order to restore the pages?
    Now I return to activate these two plugins becouse I need setting them and I need to create the crowdfounding platform (I need thise two plugin in order to create in my web a crowdfounding platform).

    In order to study the compatibility, if you want you can log in, and you can remove these two plugin. There is no problem.

    The priority is to corrige the error in “places” and “event” so I hope your news in order to solve the problem.
    Thank’s for your support.

    in reply to: Virtual Pages (places and events) are lost #38335

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Hi @paolo, maybe in the previous post I don’t have explain very well…

    Till the day 28 of april all run well.

    The day 29 of april I have installed:

    The day 30 of april virtual pages are lost (/places and /events).

    Today I continue with the same problem.

    Now I think the problem is more clear… 😉

    I hope your answer in order to resolve the problem.

    in reply to: Virtual Pages (places and events) are lost #38292

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: ERROR in ICON CATEGORY #37936

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Hi @paolo, you can mark this topic like resolved.
    Now I only hope to receive news about the problem listing in the following topic:

    Thank’s for your profesional anf fast support.

    in reply to: ERROR in ICON CATEGORY #35016

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Hi @paolo,

    I thought with the last update it is no necessary to make the changes you explain in the following link:

    So, I don’t have done these changes and I waited the new update.
    I updated geodirectory to the last version (Versión 1.4.1), but the problem about ICON’S CATEGORY continue…

    So I ask the following:
    In order to resolve ptoblems about ICON’S CATEGORIES, do I need to make the changes you explain in the previous link?
    Is it no enough with recent updates?

    Thank’s very much.

    in reply to: ERROR in ICON CATEGORY #34233

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Hi @paolo

    I’ve seen the solution to this problem, but I’ve also seen that you are going to release an update. When it will be released?

    Thank you again

    in reply to: ERROR in ICON CATEGORY #34168

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: web design disordered #34031

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Hi @paolo
    Now all run well. Thank’s very much for support.

    In the next month I want build another web like that (, so I only want understand what you has done in the actual web in order to don’t to have the same problems in the next web. If I understand all, I can do the same actions in the next web without to ask your help… 😉

    So, my question is:

    1. Do you have deleted or modified this files:

    2. I have understand you has added 2 file (frontier-post.css AND avia.js)
    I have finded FRONTIER-POST-CSS (it is in the folder of the plugin FRONTIER POST).
    But I didn’t find avia.js. Can you tell me where you are added this file?

    Thank’s very much for your suppor. I am very happy for your professional support.
    Good work.

    in reply to: web design disordered #34017

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Hi @paolo

    I have done a test in a WEB TEST (
    In this web there is only:

    The result is: MAP NO SHOWN (always loading…).

    In yours webs with ENFOLD do you have instaled GD Booster? All run well?

    Is there a solution? Maybe if I delete same codec or files?

    I hope your answer.

    in reply to: web design disordered #33984

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Hi Paolo,
    I have deactivated JET PACK but the problem continued. So I have activated JETPACK and I have deactivated FRONTIER POST, and the problem was resolved.

    So the problem is not JET PACK.
    The problem is FRONTIER POST.

    I need FRONTIER POST becouse, in addition to let at the user the FRONT PAGE, in order to post in my blog, FRONTIER POST has an option that:
    1. When user are LOGOUT, my web page don’t show ADMINISTRATION BAR
    2. when user are LOGIN, my web show ADMINISTRATION BAR.

    You told me: there are two file throwing errors.
    After you told me ” Could please try to disable them”.

    So, Do I must delete these 2 files?
    The problem is that I don’t find these 2 files…
    Where are these 2 file? In FRONTIER POST FOLDER?
    Thank’s for your support.
    In addition at the incompatibility between FRONTER POST and GD Booster, there are another problem: the map (PLACES and EVENTS) show always loading.
    If I deactivate GD Booster the map will be shown well.
    But when I activate GD Booster the map will be not loaded.

    I hope your answer about the first problem and this second problem.

    in reply to: web design disordered #33946

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Map in front Page show: Record Not Found #33718

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    It’s very good… Fantastic…
    Each day that passes I like your work always more.

    In the next day I will buy GD Booster. 😉

    Congratulation for your work.
    You can mark this post as resolved.

    in reply to: Map in front Page show: Record Not Found #33665

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Hi, I understand you. I bought GD Booster, but GD Booster only help me in order to optimize geodirectory pages. It is so?
    So my question is:
    In addition to GD Booster, what other plugin I can installe in order to optimize all my web?
    There is a compatible plugin with geodirectory (like W3 Caching)?
    Maybe a plugin where I can select what I want to caching, and no caching GEODIRECTORY PAGES?
    I hope your answer.
    Thank’s for your supportselegl DNA

    in reply to: Map in front Page show: Record Not Found #33657

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242
    This reply has been marked as private.
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