giuseppe cuttone

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  • in reply to: Error en Event Addon #33651

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Yes, I know that. Now all is clean.
    You can mark tis topic like solved.
    Thank’s for your support.

    in reply to: Error en Event Addon #33538

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Hi Simone,
    after one month I come back at this post.
    In the last reply I ask you about introduce in the PAGE A (that I have created) a map only with EVENTS, and in the PAGE B a map only with PLACES.
    You told me: NO
    Now my question is different:
    1. In PAGE A, I want introduce GD MAP HOME PAGE widget that show all the custom type, but I need the map show EVENTS like defoult options.
    2. In PAGE B, I want introduce GD MAP HOME PAGE that show all the custom type, but I need the map show PLACES like defoult options.
    It is possible?
    Thank’s for your support.

    in reply to: How can I add Texte Style Option #33343

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Thank’s a lot for your support. I have had a lot of things to do. This is the reason for me delay in reply you…
    I don’t have a child theme, but I need make a child thema in order to solve an other buddypress problem, so I am looking information about that.
    I am not informatic and I don’t like to do thise job… so I alway leave CHILD THEME PROBLEM for other day…
    Once again, thank’s very much for your support.

    in reply to: GD events listing calendar WIDGET ERROR #33316

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: How can I add Texte Style Option #31812

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    1. Near me => ok
    2. About HTML tags and attributes, for your interest, in order to remove the text unfriendly, in the enfold theme you can do that:
    add following code:
    p.form-allowed-tags { display: none !important; }
    to: Enfold theme options => General Styling tab => Quick CSS
    So user will not see the unfriendly test about HTML tags and attributes.

    One Question:
    In “My Dashboard” widget, there are the following options:
    The question is: can I remove the ADD LISTING OPTION and LOGOUT OPTION, and have MY DASHBOARD WIDGET only with MY LISTINGS OPTIONS?
    I want that my users can add listing, but I don’t want have ADD LISTING OPTION and LOGOUT OPTION in MY DASHBOARD.
    Is it possible?

    in reply to: How can I add Texte Style Option #31725

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    I thought that there was in the conversation something strange… hahahah
    Ok. Now I have understood. It is just done. Thanks.
    Only two other little things:
    1. How can I add the option “NEAR ME” in search section? (I add picture)
    2. In reviews section user can use HTML tags and attributes, but it is no A friendly solution… (I add picture)
    There is a way in order to add VISUAL TEXT STYLE? Or an another friendly solution?

    This is my last post…

    Thank’s.very very very much.

    in reply to: How can I add Texte Style Option #31718

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Maybe I don’t have explained very well
    The first picture I have added is a “DESKTOP PRINT” that I have done from the following page:
    This is a page of Paolo in order to test BuddyPress Addon.

    But in my web, when user adds a place or an event, in my “front page” there are no TEXT STYLE OPTION (there are no VISUAL and TEXT options).

    When user adds a place or an event, my “front page” is like the second picture that I have add.

    I’d like to have in my web in “front page” the TEXT STYLE OPTION like the first picture I have sent. So, when user add a places or events can use TEXT STYLE OPTION-

    Do you understand me?
    If no, it will be better speak in italian 😉
    In italian I can explain better

    in reply to: How can I add Texte Style Option #31714

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    sorry, but I don’t understand where I must do clic.
    The last icon where is?

    In front page there is no icon (I add picture)
    In Geodirectory => Place settings and Geodirectory => Event settings I don’t found any option.
    Can you tell me where is this icon?

    Thank’s, and sorry for a hard saturday and sunday I do to you… ;-))

    in reply to: Error en Event Addon #31709

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    I have understood the first part.
    But when you tell:
    “For the map you will have the map showing all the custom type”
    What do you mean?
    Maybe you say that there is no way in order to show a map only with places and a map only with events?
    Only I can have the map with “PLACE+EVENT” where I can do clic in the buttons “EVENT” or PLACES (below on the left) in order to show events or places?

    Is it so?

    in reply to: Error en Event Addon #31697

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Hi Simone
    Before all thank’s for your support.
    I have understood all.
    Now all run well.

    Only one question more:
    I have created two new pages (PAGE A and PAGE B).
    In PAGE A, I want introduce the “events map” and the “event catagories”.
    In PAGE B, I want introduce the “places map” and the “places catagories”.
    So I have introduced in the two news pages the following widget:
    Popular post category
    Gmap – Home Page

    But there are the following problems:

    1. The box “popular post category” show all the categories (places and events). I only want show in PAGE A “event catagories”, and in PAGE B “places catagories”.

    2. The map showed is a map “PLACE+EVENT” where I can do clic in the buttons “EVENT” or PLACES (below on the left) in order to show events or places. But I only want show in “PAGE A” the “EVENT MAP” and in “PAGE B” the “PLACES MAP”. Just like in

    There is a why in order to do that?
    Meybe using a especial code with the plugin WIDGET LOGIC?

    I hope your answer.

    in reply to: Error en Event Addon #31694

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Error in Location Page #31626

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    All my widgets area are another one empty.

    This is the three time that happen…

    But now I have understood the why…

    I have changed the name at the page: LOCATION
    Original name is:

    when I change the word “location” for another word, for example “ver-mapa”, all my widget in widgets area disappears.

    Finally I have understood the origen of the error.

    @simone can you comment that at @paolo in order to resolve this error?

    I need understand when this error will be resolved, so only when the problem will be resolved I will change URL and change the word “location” in another word.


    in reply to: Dashboard, nothing found places #31623

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Hi Simone

    1: Ok, I think I have understand. But I am not sure…
    I want buy the event addon, so I have two questions:
    1.1 If I buy “event addon”, in “MY DASHBOARD” => “MY LISTING” there will be two options? PLACES and EVENTS? It is so?
    1.2 If I don’t buy event addon, can I create a new POST TYPE?

    2 I don’t need go to
    I need go to:
    or, when I will buy buddypress addon, at the following page:
    Where eco_sostenible, for a generic user, will be => USERNAME

    So, my question is:
    There is a why in order to create, in my “MAIN MENÚ”, a new button “MANAGE YOUR PLACE”, so when user clic in the button it will be redirected at the page:

    or, when I will buy buddypress addon, at the following page:

    Thank’s for your support

    in reply to: Dashboard, nothing found places #31596

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Dashboard, nothing found places #31594

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    hi Simone

    1. With an user test, I have created two places (“SIN SOCIAL INVIT ECO” and “TEST”)
    If I go in “” => “MY DASHBOARD” => “MY LISTING” and enter “s” or “sin” or “sin Social” , field show “sorry, nothing found”. But field should show the place “”SIN SOCIAL INVIT ECO”.
    Is it an error?
    If enter “t” or “test” field show “sorry, nothing found”. But field should show the place “TEST”.
    Is it an error?

    2. If I go in “” => “MY DASHBOARD” => “MY LISTING” and clic in “PLACES”, I am redirected to the page “ALL PLACES”. This page show all places that each user has created. This page has the follow URL:
    In this URL there is the “user name” “eco_sostenible” so this is a “personal link”. The question is the follow:
    Is there an “general link” (without “user name”) in order to redirect each user at the page “ALL PLACES”?
    Or is there a widget in order to show “all places that each user has created”?
    I don’t know if you understand me…
    I only want to create, in my “MAIN MENÚ”, a new button “MANAGE YOUR PLACE”, so when user clic in the button it will be redirected at the page “ALL PLACES” where will be shown all places that each user has created.

    Thank’s for your support

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