giuseppe cuttone
Forum Replies Created
Questions 1, 2, 3 and 4:
I only have done a resume of the litle problem I have discuted in other posts. Only they was a resume / memory. Only I was interesting in know if GeoDirectory Team are working in that, or no, in order to planificate my activity.Question 5.
Ok. I dont know why I don
t thought that… I am stupid…
I have introduced Popular Post View and now I can show in the above zone the special listings I want in order promote then. It is very good solution.Only two questions more about that:
5.1 In the Popular Post View widget I don`t know how run the followings options:
Enable Location Filter
Show only featured listings
I have undestood how run the others options, but this two options no…
Can you explain that?5.2 In the above zone of the Popular Post View widget there is a button VIEW ALL. There is a simple way for remove this button using the option in dashboard? Or I need to do changes in the codec?
I wait only your answer about question 5.1 and 5.2
Thanks very much for your support.
Efectively the pasword is no correct… I am wrong…
You are right. I think It will be better to wait the new release.
thaks paolo for your support.
You can mark this post like resolved.This reply has been marked as private.1. Thanks for your reply, but I dont know which setting I need to see… Can you indicate the setting I must have a look?, or alternativelly can you have a look for me and after explain which setting I need modificate?
2. I understand there was a separate page. But Maybe I can create an neighborhood name X in MADRID CITY and create the same neighborhood (name X) in BARCELONA CITY. Maybe it will run…
I hope your reply about question 1.
Thanks for your support.Hi Guust, thanks very much for your fast answer.
I have two question:QUESTION 1. I have added neighborhood widget (location end popular) in GD Listing Right Sidebar. I have gone in GD => Manage Location and I have created a new neighborhood named X in the city named CELRÀ. I have created two new listing:
Prueba Neigh
prueba 100
In each of this two new listing I have introduced like address the following:
Neighborhood: X
The result have been: X Neighborhood has not showed in (right sidebar).
If it is simple to understand, so I`d like know why X Neighborhood has not showed in
But If it is complicated… I will wait the new GD Neighbourhhods.
But, in order planing my activity, I need know aproximatelly when we can have the new version:
a. In the next one or two week ???
b. In the next two months ???QUESTION 2: In the new neighbourhood version, maybe we can build special ZONES with two or more cities in the same page?
For example:
To create a ZONE named X.
Add at the X ZONE cities: City A, City B, City C, etc etc…
Automatically will be created a new virtual page:
It is so..?Thanks very much for your answer.
Ok. I undestand. Thanks for your answer.
I have only a little question.
I need to do a change to my GeoDirectory pluguin. Concretely I want to do changes in the page “URL/events” and in the search page (pages that are showed when an user do a search like introducing a city in the near field).
This pages I have understood they are “archive pages”. So my question is:
If I do a changes in “archive page”, these changes will afects the APP? I am afraid if I do changes in “archive page” the APP will not run well.
I think changes in “archive pages” will not afects the APP, because I think the APP only export information about places and events like “TITLE”, “DESCRIPTION”, ADRESS. PHOTO, etc, and if I do changes “archive pages” this information will not be changed.
I dont know if you can confirm that, but all your sugestion will be apreciated.
Thanks for your support.Hi
Ok, Now I understand how run this funcionality.
So Error number 1 is not an error.
But Error 2, 3 and 5 are not relationated with the RADIO BUTTON. So, I continue thinking they are errors.
About Error 4, in my question I say that I have introduced a RADIO of 320, so I understand it no affects the search. But Girona City is only 2 km far of Salt City. So if I introduce “GIRONA” in the Near field, the page should show this following event “GATILLAZO + NON SERVIUM…” because it is in “Salt” City and salt city is only 2 km far of Girona city (2 km < 40 km). But nothing events will be showed… Why?Error number 4: If I introduce “Girona” in the Near field, and select like radius 320 km, the page will show any events. But Girona is only far 2 km from Salt city and 100 km from Sabadell City.
Error Number 5: I try introduce “Barcelona” in the Near field, but there is no this city… I dont understand why…
I hope your answer.
ThankHi, ok I understand you about archive page.
In ENFOLD THEME (I dont know in the other theme…) footer and socket are a ground and small box that are showed in the down zone of the wordpress pages. (footer is just like a sidebar but not located in lateral zone. It is located in the down zone).
I think you know that.
When I say enable or disable footer or/and socket I want say “show” or “not show” them.
If I enable footer, footer will be showed.
If I disable footer, footer will be not showed.I have solved the problem. I have disable footer using ENFOLD setting.
There only is a litle problem. Now footer is not showed from all the pages…Thanks for your support
Ok. All run well.
You can mark this post like resolved.
Thank for your supportok,
I have opened the file with Open Office, and I have selected the option “separate comma”.
Now all run well.
Thanks very very very much for your support.The error was this…
I used Microsoft Excel…
But now I am using Open Office. And when I do changes in the file I receive the same message before save the file:
“this document can contein format or dates that are imposible save in csv. Do you want continue saving the file?”.
So I understand that I am doing same thing no correct…
I dont understand what…
But I understand that the problem is of me…
Thank for your supportI dont understand…
In the sample file “event_listing” (I add it), the information of the three events is in the same column, separate with comma.
The information of “CSV Zavino Pizzeria” is in the cell “A2”
The information of “Test Gallery Pizzeria 2” is in the cell “A3”
The information of “Test Hottel Pizzeria 2” is in the cell “A4”
I can upload the 3 events of “event_listing” file.
I only have deleted cell “A3” and cell “A4”, and let the cell “A2” without do any changes…
But the new csv (“event_listing one”) give me error.
Why? I dont have had any changes… I only have deleted two cells…You told me:
“make sure it is only comma delimited , and separate the information in the correct columns”So I have created the following file:
“event_listing one bis”. I add it in this post.
I have introduced the each information in differents columns.
But when I upload it I receive the same error…I understand nothing…
Can you give me more details?
Can you send the file with only “CSV Zavino Pizzeria” EVENT, just like Geodirectory want?Please, help me… I dont know how do that…
Hi Paolo, thanks for your answer.
I have downloaded the sample file (event_listing).
It have 3 events (CSV Zavino Pizzeria, Test Gallery Pizzeria 2, Test Hottel Pizzeria 2)
I have tested it. So I have uploaded it and all run well.
So, I have had another test.
I have deleted from my web the 3 events uploaded.
I have opened sample file (event_listing) and I have deleted the second and the third event.
I have saved it. Its name is “event_listing one”. Now, “event_listing one” has only one event, the first event (CSV Zavino Pizzeria)
I add this file in this post.
So I have uploaded “event_listing one”, but GeoDirectory tell me that there is an error:Total 1 item(s) found.
1 / 1 item(s) could not be added due to blank/invalid address(city, region, country, latitude, longitude).
1 / 1 item(s) could not be added due to blank title/invalid post type.I dont understand where is the error.
CSV Zavino Pizzeria is the same event, with the same dates (direccion, Title, description, etc..). I have deleted nothing, and I did any change.I have tried upload a csv write by me, but I receive the same error.
Can you explain where is the error?
Thanks very much for your support
Hi Paolo, you are right…
Only one thing.
I need a csv file for events, just like example, that will be compatible with GeoDirectory.
Where can I found and download it?
Or maybe can you send me an example of csv file for events that I can upload in GeoDirectory?
Thanks for your support. -