giuseppe cuttone

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  • giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Hi. Thanks very much for resolve the problem about the error in the date.
    I am testing EVENTS ADDON, and I have seen one thing that I think you must change.
    Following I explain you.
    I have created the following event:
    It is an example of weekly market. It start on october 29 2015 and finish on october 29 2016 (during one year)
    The setting of my LISTING PAGE is the following:
    With this setting the LISTING PAGE will show at the users the following:
    You can see that this events in this page will be shown more of 50 times (one BOX RECORD for each week). I think it is no very very good to show.
    In order to resolve that, I suggest 2 SOLUTION:

    I think the LISTING PAGE must show only “one BOX RECORD”, and show in the DATA FIELD the date of the next event (for example: if we are on november 3 the date must be “november 5”. If we are on november 6 the date must be “november 12”. You also can add after the date the word WEEKLY, so the user can understand that this event is repeatED each week).
    With this design, the LISTING PAGE will be more clean, no very large and simple to understand.

    If you can`t do this changes, there is another solution:
    At this time, there are the actuals following OPTIONS
    You can add the following options:
    So the RECORD BOX of the “weekly events” only will be shown one time if the LISTING PAGE are setting with OPTION 5, and no more of 4 times if the LISTING PAGE are setting with OPTION 6.

    Let me know:
    1. If you think just like me, (for weekly (and monthly) events a lot of BOX RECORD are shown in LISTING PAGE).
    2. If you think resolve this problem using SOLUTION 1, SOLUTION 2 or both solution (1 and 2).
    I think that independent of the RECURRING EVENT, it will be very interesting introduce:
    because they are two option that let at the users filter the events based in a more interesting date range (UPCOMING EVENTS will show events that will be celebrate in the next 6 month o one year, so they are very distant date).

    I hope your answer in order to understand if you think to do some changes for solve the problem I have detected.
    Thanks very much for your support.

    in reply to: How add Pictures in Places and Events pages #57999

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Hi Paolo, I have thought about how generate PROVINCIAL MAP and maybe it is no very difficult. You don`t need add a new PROVINCIA FIELD in the ADD LISTING FORM.
    In order to do PROVINCIAL MAP, you only must use ZIP CODE (ZIP CODE it is included in ADD LISTING FORM).
    In spain all the cities included in the same PROVINCE have the same first two ZIP CODE digits.
    For example GIRONA PROVINCE is all the cities with the follow ZIP CODE: 17XXX.
    So I think you only must use the same functions you are using in order to generate STATE MAP, REGIONAL MAP and CITY MAP, and to use like DATAS for PROVINCIAL MAP the “first two ZIP CODE digits”.
    Do you understand me?
    Do you think it will be possible?
    Let me know if it will be possible to customize GEODIRECTORY and generating PROVINCIAL MAP using ZIP CODE.
    And Let me know approximatelly how much it is.
    I hope your answer.
    Thank`s very much for your support.

    in reply to: How add Pictures in Places and Events pages #57958

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Hi Paolo. If the next year I will need add PROVINCES, can you (or other GeoDirectory developer) customizing the code of the plugin and add the following?
    1. PROVINCE FIELD in add listing form
    If you can, I need know approximatelly how much it is. At this moment I only need an aproximate range in order to know if it is economic viable.
    Let me know.

    in reply to: How add Pictures in Places and Events pages #57944

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Hi, with this solution I have a problem.
    I can show the CATALUNYA BANNER (Generalitat de Catalunya) in the up zone.
    I will show both of banners. CATALUNYA BANNER (Generalitat de Catalunya) in the up zone and PROVINCE OF GIRONA BANNER (Diputacion de Girona) in the down zone. It is no good becouse in this page I only must show Province of Girona Banner.
    So the questions are:
    1. Is there a way in order delete the CATALUNYA BANNER only from the following page?
    and let CATALUNYA BANNER in the others pages?
    2. Is there a way in order to show the PROVINCE OF GIRONA BANNER (Diputacion de Girona) at the top of the page? (at this moment PROVINCE OF GIRONA BANNER is in the midle of the page)
    Another thing.
    My experience suggest that when I look for places or events I look in a radio of 30 / 50 km so REGION MAP is a very big map, and CITY MAP is a very small map. I know that I can to do a search using a RADIO, but I think is interesting for the users to have a PROVINCIAL MAP too, just like a default option.
    So the questions is:
    3. In the future, Geodirectory developpers will add PROVINCE FIELD in the add listing form, so users can have 4 levels of maps (Country, Region, Province, City)?
    Thank you for your support.

    in reply to: How add Pictures in Places and Events pages #57829

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242
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    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242
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    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    I have created an event with title “EcoSí. Feria de la Sostenibilidad”.
    This event is from October 23 to November 1.

    1. In the page the RECORD show the following:
    Date: 23 Octubre 2015 (I think it must show DATE: From 23 Octubre 2015 to 1 Novembre 2015)
    I add the picture:

    2. If I go into the event doing click in the title of the event,
    in the right sidebar will be shown the following:
    Date: From 23 Octubre 2015 to 1 Noviembre 2015 (so in this case the date is correct)
    I add the picture:

    I think that in there is an error. Do you think so?
    I hope your answer
    Thanks for your support

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Hi, yes the problem is “recurring event”. There is an error in MULTISITE WEBS.
    Following I will explain you.
    I have a web with MULTISITE. If I create an event in multisite web, in the DATA FORM I only can select the date (there is no the option “Recurring event? No/Yes”). So if I select in the calendar 10 days, the page URL/events show 10 RECORDS.
    Now, I have gone in other of my webs where there is no MULTISITE. If I create an event, in the web without MULTISITE, in the DATA FORM (before the calendar) I can select “Recurring event? No/Yes”.
    If I select NO, in the page URL/events only will be shown one RECORD (so all run well).
    So, the problem is only in MULTISITE WEB, (where there is no the option “Recurring event No/Yes”).
    After our conversation about Geodirectory App, I have decided remove MULTISITE from my web. So I can not give you admin credencial. In the case you want investigate this error in MULTISITE WEBS, I can not help you…
    For me the problem have been resolved because the problem only appear in MULTISITE webs, and just now I don’t have any MULTISITE WEB.
    Only I want to indicate a little error. In the RECORD, showed in the page URL/events (below the map), say the following: Date: October 23 (but it must say October 23 / November 1).
    However if I do click in the Title of the RECORD, and I go into the event, in the right sidebar will be shown Date: October 23 / November 1.
    So the information about the date of the EVENTS is correct when I go into the events (it is shown in the right sidebar).
    But the information about the date of the events is NO CORRECT in the page URL/events.
    Do you understand me? If no, tell me that you don’t have understood and I will send a picture with more details.
    Let me know.
    Thank’s for your support.

    in reply to: Are you working in release an App for Mobiles? #56762

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Maybe I have a serious problem…
    I am designing my web like following:
    1) Principal website (with BuddyPress, Multisite and GeoDirectory)
    2) 50 Subwebsites / / / etc etc (in each subsite I have activated individually GeoDirectory).
    From AppPress told me that AppPress don`t support Multisite, so I need activate AppPress individually in each subsite, just like GeoDirectory. It mean that I will have not 1 Application, but 50 different applications… It is no a good solution…
    However if you release your own GeoDirectory App, I prefer wait and to buy your App.
    But I need understand if in my Multisite GeoDirectory App will run just like AppPress.
    So my question is:
    In my Multisite, Do I need install GeoDirectory App individually in each subwebsite?
    If it so, will I have 50 diferents GeoDirectory Apps?
    I am very concerned.. I don`t want 50 diferents GeoDirectory Apps… I only want one App for all 50 Subwebsites
    So I need know your answer…
    If the solution, in order to have only one GeoDirectory App for all 50 Subwebsites, is “DELETE MULTISITE” and make only one website, I will do that…
    But I need know your answer now, before make and release all 50 subsite.
    I don`t want start my project with a bad solution and after bring down all…
    I hope your answer.
    Thank`s one more for your support.

    in reply to: Are you working in release an App for Mobiles? #56526

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    wow… it is a very very very good news. I am very happy to use GeoDirectory. I will be the first client in buy that…

    Release of this App maybe will change my plans about the project I will release the next month.
    I am designing a web with WordPress + BuddyPress + Multisite + GeoDirectory
    I use Multisite because I will make a website for each province
    “Principal Web” is
    “Sub Webs” are etc…
    Users will registered in “Principal web” are users of all the webs
    Due to your new App, I need to be sure if this design will be a good solution for my new web. So I need you give me more detail about your answer of the previous comment.

    1) initially it will not be compatible with BuddyPress.
    Question: Do it mean that in my web:
    a) Your App will run very well only Geodirectory function, but will not have funcion like send friend request, group ets
    b) Your App will be 100¼ no compatible with BuddyPress, so it will run nothing (neither Geodirectory nor WordPress)?

    2) It will send push notification for other things as long as BuddyPress isn’t compatible.
    Maybe can user select one o more cities and when a new event will be created it will receive a notification?
    If Push Notification have had desided, can you send a list resum of them?

    3) To release minimum 6 months from now.
    Question: When user can have compatibility with BuddyPress?
    a) One year from now
    b) Two year from now

    Sorry for to much question, but this new release is very very important in order to plan my project.
    I think you need inform Geodirectory users because this App will be a significant improvement of GeoDirectory. I think you must do a mail explain the feature of the App.

    I wait your answer about my three questions.
    Congratulation one thing more for your work and thank`s for your support.

    in reply to: Are you working in release an App for Mobiles? #56482

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Hi, I have understand.
    You will make in approximate 6 month the API, and AppPress will be compatible with GeoDirectory if their developer will use your API and will work in order to do campatible GeoDirectory and AppPress. Ok I have understand.

    But I don`t have understand the other part of your answer about your PhoneGap App.
    Do you are working in developer an GeoDirectory App like “Buddysidekick” or “AppPress”?
    Is it so?
    If it is so:
    1. This app will be compatible with BuddyPress?
    2. It will send a notification to the mobile when user receive a friend request, messages or comments from groups, just like Facebook?
    3. Approximately when user can have your App?
    If it will be so, I will be very very happy to buy your App 😉
    Please let me know if it is so.
    Thank`s for your support

    in reply to: Are you working in release an App for Mobiles? #56471

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Hi, thank`s for your answer. It is a very good experience to receive answer so quickly ;=)

    Only three things more:

    1. Approximately when do you think that Geodirectory will be compatible with AppPress?
    3 months
    1 year

    2. You tell me that you prefer to work with PhoneGap. Do you mean that it will be better to use

    3. I`m lookig for an BuddyPress App compatible with Geodirectory. AppPress send “Push Notifications” when user receive a friend request, or messages. I don¨t know if Buddysidekick send notifications…
    Do you know a BuddyPress App compatible with Geodirectory that send notifications? What do you suggest me?

    Thank`s for your profesional support

    in reply to: How can I create separete Places and Events Ma?p #56457

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Hi Paolo, I understand.
    I will open a request, however I think that 6 months ago, when users ask for a shorts code, they wanted a shorts code for use their in “REGULAR PAGE”.
    At this time users have a shorts code but we can`t use all of theme.
    I think [gd_listing_map] and [gd_popular_post_view] don`t work like user want.
    I think it is very important reproduce pages like:
    and setting theme like useres want. I think that give to GeoDirectory a very good flexibility solution.
    But with the actual shorts code it is no possible.
    So I think that the requeriment of 6 months ago about short code at this moment is not 100½ resolved.
    From the first moment, I have said that GeoDirectory is the better directory plugin.
    My review is a critic review but only with the objective of improve the potencial of GeoDirectory.
    I hope you understand me…

    in reply to: Compatibility with Multi Site #55406

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Hi Paolo,
    I understand now…
    Before to installer geodirectory plugin, I did click in “Activate to the network”…
    It was the error…
    Ok, I have understand, I only must do click in “ACTIVATE” in a single website.

    Now, my question is:
    in order to installer the other addons (events, multilocation, etc…), do I must activate them also “individually” in each website, just like GEODIRECTORY PLUGUIN?

    I hope your answer.
    Thank’s for your support

    in reply to: Compatibility with Multi Site #55380

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242
    This reply has been marked as private.
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