Atilla Boz

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  • Atilla Boz
    Full Member
    Post count: 280

    Hi Giri,

    it works. It simply works. Thank you a million times!


    in reply to: Wrong text in language file #366275

    Atilla Boz
    Full Member
    Post count: 280

    Hi Paolo,

    ok cool. Thanks to you & Stiofan.

    p.s.: I made a few more translations 5 minutes ago 😉 Just like 40 strings left, that I don`t understand right now.

    p.p.s.: Please leave me some feedback at the other post with the sidebar thing. We`re about to launch in a few day and would be an extra hightlight for the page. Thank you in advance.

    Atilla Boz
    Full Member
    Post count: 280


    can you something about customization? Or should I make a new post in jobs area. Looks like we need some help or at least an offer how much it would cost us.

    Kind regards,

    Atilla Boz
    Full Member
    Post count: 280

    Thank you Giri!

    So we moved one step forward.
    I played around with the tab settings and all (on my local machine) and what happens is that when I activate the left instead of the right area it`s we have the advanced search on top of the sidebar but above there still is the map and also the main map gets hidden.

    It`s like this:
    CASE 1 – I switch off the right area and activate the left area and there is my new sidebar with advanced search and the not wanted map.
    CASE 2 – I switch of the left area and activate right area and the map is there on the right
    CASE 3 – I activate both right and left and the same thing as in CASE 2 happens.

    And I found out how to make the sidebar scrollable, it works totally fine just a little confusinf when you scroll over the map:

    .geodir-listings-sidebar-left {
        overflow: auto !important;


    … I really dont have an idea how to make GD NOT hide the right area, when I activate the left area.
    … and I also dont have any idea how to hide the map on the left sidebar.

    These hooks… I guess I will have to learn how they work. In The end I understand with echo you added the search shortcode. Can I add any other shortcodes, too? I mean besides from GD – for example for a menu?


    Hoping for a wonder. 🙂

    Atilla Boz
    Full Member
    Post count: 280

    Hi Giri,

    you can see what I have in mind at foreverly: … oh but now I see they have a scrollbar, also for the left sidebar. So it works with 2 scrollable areas, at their system at least.

    I would like to add a sidebar with the links of the categories at the bottom and on the top of it the search field / custom search field.

    And the reason: Locations is the only CPT where I have added lots of search filters etc. (other categories will get more searching soon, too) – but the button for the advanced search is so small, and has no describing word in it`s button that people might not recognize the genious function that is hidden behind the small button.

    See our locations listings page, here:

    I guess that is a bit more complicated, but I wuold be happy already if I knew how to add a normal sidebar where I can list the categorories in a menu. And maybe another button on top that opens the Advanced Searh menu in the middle. I wil add some content exclusively with those custom widget plugins. At least, that is the plan.

    Ah but talking about Tablets etc. – on smaller monitors it should should switch back to 2 rows like before. Same thing happens at foeverly. It should let`s say switch back to normal behaviour under 1200px width. But I guess that is possible with CSS.

    Also I took a look at the link from Guust and I see there is a more descriptive button used in Starter Directory Theme where the Button says “Customise my search” – how would I add some some text in the button.

    If anything is too complicated please let me know if you guys could make the customization for us (maybe in form of a plugin?) and how much it would cost, please. Just in case that our customer insists to have that sidebar with a menu and searchbar / adavanced search.

    Thank you,

    Atilla Boz
    Full Member
    Post count: 280

    Ok sorry for being rude then.

    @paolo I kiss your feet for making Supreme Theme 😉 It just came in the right time and is 95% exactly what our customer needed. GD in general is awesome so thanks again for your work guys. It is just… we crossed the third deadline that

    s why I

    m a little stressed.

    Well you are missing the point. The right side, left side settings are coming from GD. You can switch the 2 column layouts. Meaning you can either display map on left side or right side. That would work.

    Aha now I get it. I tried it and moved the map to the left. 🙂
    Ok and if scrolling is a problem we won`t need scrolling function for the third area.

    Gonna try my luck with these hooks and report back.
    Honestly I`m not the super developer – so could I kindly ask you to post me the exact lines for those hooks? I only know, that I have to add them in the functions.php of the theme, right?

    Thanks again,

    Atilla Boz
    Full Member
    Post count: 280

    @giri Aha finally somebody who knows that code for real… Paolo telling me I made some customizations by my own and so on. And I know what I made and what I not made.

    But why on earth is there a setting then for the listings page? I can set, right area, left area and content and in the end it gets overwritten which makes no sense 😉

    Saw your answer late, it was hidden on a second page 😉

    Thx all

    Atilla Boz
    Full Member
    Post count: 280


    but are you telling me with a fresh installed Supreme I will have a 3 columns setup? Cause as I understand the map is always 40% so all the settings in the listing area is useless.

    @guust I asked for a site using Supreme with 3 columns.


    Atilla Boz
    Full Member
    Post count: 280

    So what we got here…

    Listings, Search and Author Page

    A fixed Map occupying 40% of the screen width, is programatically added to the right sidebar of these templates, no other widgets are accepted in this pages’ sidebar. You can move the map from the right to the left from GD >> Design >> Detail. You can add extra widgets only in the Top and Bottom widgets areas.

    Also the search widget is programatically included in these pages.

    You`re still telling me I have deleted some code that can not be re-added again? Looks more like I would have to add some extra code, to be able to add the left sidebar. If you know what code I need, let me know.

    Peace out,

    Atilla Boz
    Full Member
    Post count: 280

    Sounds not so “of course” to me.

    You say I took a file and did add it to MY theme so actually a totally different theme. Why would that affect the Supreme Theme when the other theme is not activated. I could even go and delete the whole other theme and noone would ever know that I have added anything from Supreme to anywhere else.

    In the end that file “geodirectory-compatibility.php” is totally untouched where it was before and making a copy of that file and adding it into a copy theme will definetely not change anything of the Supreme Theme.

    And code in general can always be added back, what whould be the problem? I go and delete it now and add it again afterwards… Might look buggy, but so what? I make a few firebug moves and that`s it. I never had any element that would be impossible to reactivate again.

    Do you have a link to any site that is using the listings area with bot sidebars, right AND left. And what about Guusts words??

    The left bar is disabled in Supreme somehow.

    Is it or is it not?


    Atilla Boz
    Full Member
    Post count: 280

    Hi paolo,

    but the same thing happens also when I activate the “normal” Supreme Theme. I copied the whole folder, since there is no other way to make a child theme of a child theme. I switched back to supreme, I deleted my whole CSS stuff and it`s still hidden.

    I am gonna install another test site and get back to you.

    Kind regards,

    Atilla Boz
    Full Member
    Post count: 280

    Hi Guust,

    I checked out already all those areas. But I stil can`t activate the left area. I took a look at the sourcecode in the browser and could not see any left-area there. It does not show up at all, when I check the sourcecode.

    Added my settings also as screenshot.

    Kind regards,

    Atilla Boz
    Full Member
    Post count: 280
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Atilla Boz
    Full Member
    Post count: 280

    Hi Paolo,

    no that`s not supreme. Just a screenshot of another page to show how it should look like. The page I am workin on can be found here:

    I found this here, and I hope I can ativate GD left section, too: … but I think that`s not for the category view, or is it?

    Click here to get right to the category locations:

    That`s also the only category for now with use of the detailled search. In the locations-2 screenshot you see the search when it’s opened and loations-1 the normal state.

    And my question would be if I could split that view up in 3 rows.

    Left row: The search & categories (like you can see in the screenshot “foreverly”)
    Middle: The listings, without search
    right side: as before, the map.

    Ok – thank`s alot for checking out.

    Atilla Boz
    Full Member
    Post count: 280

    Thank you 🙂

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